Interlude (The Smartest Woman in the Tri-State Area)

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Not to toot her own horn, but sometimes Barbara thinks she could  really give old Lex Luthor over there a real run for his money for the  title of smartest person in the tri-state area (the world her ass), and  it's times like this that make her think so.

Sitting in the batcave (pointedly ignoring Bruce brooding in a  corner and fiddling with his tux) she had let herself in less than  fifteen minutes ago, because while she has a fuck ton of things at her  disposal in the clock tower, there's a certain  thing   that she knows only exists at her access  here .

Not that she told Brucie that, no no no, she's just here because  it's his drones she's using at the moment, nothing else of course.

Speaking of, Barbara wheels around to take a break from her  sad-man-watching to look back at what the drones have picked up so far,  at this point she's sent out half a dozen to the "crash" site to see  what they could find.

It's pretty remote, which is fairly characteristic of the previous  incidents, but based off the readings from those, this was the first  one that  wasn't   localized a couple hundred feet in the air, leaving any kind of  leftover substance to be scattered to the wind. This one has somehow  managed to localize itself on the ground, and it's done some damage  while it was there. 

The unfortunate selection of wheat has been effectively fried  based on the readings from the drones, everything in the impact zone was  either evaporated by the force of it, or consumed, which? The debate on  it is still a work in progress. Meanwhile, the plant life that was in  the immediate vicinity of the crater was flattened, leaving it a bit  reminiscent of an old fashion crop circle.

One of the drones, this one equipped with a little arm, gives an  alert from a different screen and Barbara swivels around to look and-

Ok, cool. 

Crushed plastic water bottle. 

She sighs.

"Any progress- mfh!" Of fucking course Bruce would decide to sneak  up on her while she's looking at a stupid waterbottle. Whatever, if he  didn't want an elbow to the stomach maybe he shouldn't look over her  shoulder without saying anything.

"Jesus, Bruce, no not since you asked ten minutes ago and I told  you I'd let you know." God this is why she doesn't work in here anymore.

"Hm." Right, Bruce code for tell him anyways, Barbara rolls her eyes.

"Impact destroyed most of the evidence it left behind, I'll be  honest. Believe me, if I could read a cow's mind I'd head out there  right now, but it's the middle of nowhere and I just tracked down the  most evidence so far-" She spins in her chair, holding a hand under the  screen she was looking at, the drone still holding the crushed water  bottle.

"Trash!" Bruce grunts again, leaning back after taking a bit of a closer look at it.

"Where did it come from?" Barbara tilts her head back and forth thoughtfully.

"Could have been there before, could be that we weren't the first  one in?" She glances down at the message from the drone itself "It's run  some tests on it, it's normal plastic, doesn't have a tag though so we  can't track it anywhere, it's trash." She shrugs.

"We're still pretty clueless on this one bats." Bruce straightens  his tie, glancing between the screens and his watch with a frown.

"It's destructive."

"It's inconsistent, and until it actually does something of note,  I'm inclined to just keep an eye out." Bruce hums an agreement at that  at least.

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