Ill give you a taste, The power of a Kamen Rider

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(Y/n)'s House

After the summit they agreed the shinobi alliance and we'll be investigating Kenjaku's plan for now and (Y/n) is currently in his house with Olga Marie.

(Y/n): You want me to summon a servant?

Olga: Indeed, Adrian suggested you should get some since your Mana leves are off the charts, even Adrian considered it Infinitely ever since you got powers.

(Y/n): As expected from my stupid boss...

(Y/n) just sighs tired of his boss's antics until he looks at a board filled with pictures of robbery of dust and shipments.

(Y/n):.......Ill do the summoning later Olga, I need to finish this investigation when the white fang will attack...

Olga: Alright, Take care (Y/n).

Olga stands up until kissing (Y/n)'s cheek caughting him off guard and she leaves blushing.

(Y/n):..........That happened, Lets see...

(Y/n) hears a knock on the door and hides the board by flipping it and he goes to the door only to see Team R0WBY and JNPR.

(Y/n):.........Let me guess, Adrian gave you my adress...

Phyrrha: We actually did ask Mr. Adrian and we wanted to see how you were doing.

(Y/n): Come in...

Both team enter the house as they look amazed.

Both team enter the house as they look amazed

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Ren: You have good taste.

(Y/n): Thanks, Ill get some snacks...

While (Y/n) was getting snacks everyone starts looking around until Ruby spots a hidden switch on his vase.

Ruby: Hey guys look! I found a secret button!

Yang: Ruby, We cant be peeking at (Y/n)'s stuff-

Ruby pushes the button as stairs start to appear on the ground.

Phyrrha: Uh, Is this normal?

Blake: Why would there be stairs?

(Y/n): Because thats my armory...

Everyone yelps in suprise as you aooear behind them out of nowhere.

Weiss: Where did you come from!?

(Y/n): I've been here since the beginning...

(Y/n) walks down the stairs as they follow him and once they reach the platform it was pitch dark, Until (Y/n) pulls a lever and the lights revealing a Various armors, Weapons.


Phyrrha: Wow.....Thats a lot

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