Ever Heard of Ark One? Well your about to witness him

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(Y/n) teleports inside the underworld as he uses his super speed and blitz through the guards.

Devil: What! Who are you intruder!

(Y/n): No one cares...

(Y/n) throws the devil through a bunch of soldiers until he used.

(Y/n): Shinra Tensei..! (Almighty Push)

(Y/n) pushes all the soldiers away as he walks casually.

Phenex House

Devil families are all in the room aswell as Rias's peerage even Issei is there even though he cant do Jackshit are present in the room as Riser with his suit. presents himself.

Riser: Greetings all nobles of the devil world, I riser welcome you to the celebration not just for my victory of the rating game but a union between the families with my bride rias gremory.

Rias appears from a magic circle with a White wedding dress.

The audinece admired her beauty until everything starts shaking

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The audinece admired her beauty until everything starts shaking.

Riser: What is going on!?

Adrian: Ya done Goofed bitch!!

Sirzech flinches and looks at his right to see Adrian there.

Sirzech: How long have you been here?

Adrian: about 2 minutes now and i better play this-

(Y/n) comes out from the door by kicking it as he had a cold expression

(Y/n): Alright....Who wants to die first...

Adrian: Oh come one!! I was gonna play fuck tha police! You ruined it!!

(Y/n): Play it later...

(Y/n) looks at Riser coldly as he glares at him.

Riser: What are you doing at Riser's wedding!!

(Y/n): To stop it bird brain...

Riser: Riser will not allow this!!

(Y/n): Oh it will happen, No matter how much you whine ill keep on beating the shit out of you....

Adrian: Welp, We got a duel in session

Sirzechs: Indeed we do, Now. (Y/n) what would you like in return.

The devils in the room complained why a human gets something in return as Adrian glares at them which shuts them up.

The Dark King of Union (Male reader X Union Academy)Where stories live. Discover now