Team CMEN? screw that name, Ill just go summon servants

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(Y/n) was currently sitting down on a cafe drinking coffee with Winter.

(Y/n):.......Its too quiet...

Winter: Calm down (Y/n).

(Y/n): I this one bit, i usually get hunted down...

(Y/n) looks at winter who was wearing a different outfit.

(Y/n) looks at winter who was wearing a different outfit

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Winter: Is there something wrong?

(Y/n): Its nothing, you look beatiful...

Winter: *Blushes* Thank you (Y/n).

(Y/n): Your welcome...

Winter kisses (Y/n) on lips as he leans in and they part ways.

Winter: I enjoyed this date of ours.

(Y/n): Me too Winter, I enjoyed it too...

Winter: I need to go back to Atlas, See you soon (Y/n).

(Y/n): Yeah, See you...

Winter leaves to catch her bullhead as (Y/n) watches her leave and he goes the the opposite way as he leaves with his hands on his pockets.

(Y/n): Im still wondering why Cinder's team name is called Team CMEN, Who the hell named it that...

(Y/n) was gonna buy some stuff until running into them.

Neo, Roman Torchwick, Cinder fall, Emrald Sutrai, Mercury Black

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Neo, Roman Torchwick, Cinder fall, Emrald Sutrai, Mercury Black

(Seriously who the hell decided their team name is Team CMEN?)

(Y/n): Oh.....Its you guys...

Neo rushes and hugs (Y/n) as she stops and start using hand signs.

The Dark King of Union (Male reader X Union Academy)Where stories live. Discover now