Its time i end this war for good

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Outside of Union Academy where (Y/n), Emma, Venom and The Avengers where facing off against Kenjaku, Thanos and Knull.

(Y/n): I suggest you give up, you three...

Kenjaku: We didnt start this war just to talk you know...

(Y/n): Then tell me why go all the way here...To humiliate us? Or make sure your plans are succesful...

Kenjaku: Evolving humans for more curses is still part of my plan, But seeing you are the wild card i have no choice but the kill you and let Lord Thanos and Knull play with this world.

(Y/n): I see, Then this will be your grave...!

(Y/n) Immediately rushed for Kenjaku only for Knull to block him using his Necrosword.

Knull: Your fighting me boy!

Emma instantly flee in high speeds and knocks back Knull as both siblings look at each other and Nod as he went after Kenjaku as The avengers start fighting Thanos.


(Y/n) immediately went for a slash but Kenjaku dodges it as he kicks him full force but he blocks it with his sword as (Y/n) finger suddenly manifests a red and black void.

(Y/n): Jujushiki hanten: Aka...! (Cursed Technique Reversal: Red...!)

(Y/n) fires it as he gets blown away until Kenjaku steadies himself and lands only meeting (Y/n) infront of him only to gave him a bunch of curses that appeared in all sides as he slices them all.

(Y/n): Tch...

Kenjaku: Whats wrong (Y/n)? Getting tired?

(Y/n) appears infront of Kenjaku with his fist reeled in as he manages to hit him with a Blackflash.

As soon as (Y/n) was about to launch his Dismantle on Kenjaku infront of (Y/n) was a box full of eyes.

As soon as (Y/n) was about to launch his Dismantle on Kenjaku infront of (Y/n) was a box full of eyes

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Special grade cursed object: Prison Realm

(Y/n): Thats...!

Kenjaku: Gate, Open.

The box opens as it binds revealing an eye.

The box opens as it binds revealing an eye

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The Dark King of Union (Male reader X Union Academy)Where stories live. Discover now