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"Emma, I feel tired and my day has been shitty."  I said, and went back to writing in my journal.

"Why has your day been shitty Emma?" Asked the group lady.

"I woke up to a fucking pillow to the face for one." I paused and looked at my roommate. "Also, the food is shitty and I want to go back to sleep." I finished. They continued around the room. The last person was a girl named Tony. She was the person who was most like a friend to me. Even though we didn't talk too much.

"Tony, I'm pissed off and my day was good until lunch." She said

"What was it that made your day bad?" The lady asked.

"Some asshole in the lunch room wouldn't leave me the fuck alone or shut the fuck up." She finished. Tony was more like me then anyone here, I guess that's why we were kind of friends, acquaintances,  something. We got along, put it that way. And I hardly got along with anyone here. Until Ella and Echo got here. I mean, I get it that everyone has their own problems and shit, but I can't handle being nice to everyone. I can't stand most of them. I kind of feel bad for saying that, but oh well, it is what it is I guess. The rest of group I tuned out and just wrote in my note book.  

Dear Jessie

Shit shit shit. This place makes me want to kill myself even more. Fuck it here. Fuck. God I miss you so much babe. So fucking much... I'm so fucking sorry I did this. I'm so. fucking. sorry babe. God I love you so much. but, on the bright side, there are these two new girls that came in today. they seem nice. I think you'd like em babe...  maybe now i wont always be alone.. we're currently in group. just in case you were wondering. I made you something today too... and my mom snuck in the letter you wrote to me... I loved it... I love you.. I fucking love you and I know that's all I ever say in these letters but its so fucking true. I have no idea what I would ever do without you.. you are my everything.. i cant wait to see you again babe.. i need you so much right now. and i cant even fucking see you during visits... just a couple more weeks though, right? god i hope so... okay babe, group is over now. i got to go baby. i love you so fucking much... ill see you soon baby.

I looked up from my journal. Almost in fucking tears. But I refused to cry in front of these people. I guess Ella saw my eyes all watery, because we were the last ones to leave, and she pulled me aside and asked,

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I responded.

"Cause I don't know, I saw your eyes and I'm just making sure." She said sweetly.

"I appreciate your concern. But no need to worry about me, I can handle whatever's going on." I said. I tried to fake a smile so my comment didn't seem harsh, and to show that I was okay.

"Okay, well I'm glad." She said, and returned my smile. Echo came from around the corner and said,

"Coooooome oooooon guuuuuys." Our heads snapped to the side and we did as she said. About 5 minutes after group was over, one of the techs said

"Line up girls! we're going to art!" All the girls rushed to the door and got in a single file line. Me, Echo, and Ella were in the back. 

"What do we do in art?" Echo asked me.

"Make bracelets, draw, shit like that. It's fun, but it smells weird as fuck in there" I answered, giggling a bit. We entered the art room. Taking in that weird ass smell, I found my seat at one of the tables. Ella and Echo sat next to me. I began to gather supplies for bracelets, when a tall man entered the room, followed by a gorgeous dog.

"Awwwwwww!" I heard Echo and Ella squeal together.

"Yeah, they usually bring dogs in twice a week. You can go and pet it if you guys want to." I said. And with that, they rushed over to the dog. I continued to make my bracelet, for none other than my boyfriend. I was using black beads, when my stupid roommate came over and sat in Echo's chair.

"Give me some of those." She demanded.

"Hmmm, suck my dick and I'll think about it." I replied with a smirk.

"You're a bitch you know that?" She said.

"Takes one to know one sweetie." I smiled. And she walked away and sat back at her original seat. She really was a fucking bitch, man. Fuck her. I thought to myself. When she sat her fat ass down, she looked at me. I waved and smiled, just to piss her off more.

9:00 on the dot, one of the night techs yelled,

"Get ready for bed! Now! Lights out before 10! understand?"

"Fucking cow." I said under my breath. I guess Ella hear me, because she busted out laughing. We we're practically on the floor because of how hard we were laughing.

"Dude, you and Echo should probably tell that bitch up there that you guys don't have rooms yet." I reminded her.

"Oh yeah huh. Shit. I'll go tell her when Echo gets back from the bathroom so I don't have to go alone." She said.

"I'll go with you, then when she gets back we can tell her who her roommate is." I suggested. And with that, we walked up to the night tech. "Hi, um, Ella here and her friend Echo are new and they don't have roommates yet." I said.

"Okay, hold on I'll see what I can do."

10 minutes later, Echo was already back and the night tech called us up to the desk. "Okay, Echo, your roommate is Emma since her current roommate is discharging tomorrow. " She said pointing to me. "And Ella, your roommate is Destiny. Emma show her who Destiny is and introduce them." I nodded and that was that.

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