Chapter Nine

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—Third Person POV.—

"I like her, a fresh air of.. Unfiltered honesty drips from her tongue," Hagakure muses, eyes scanning over the transcript before casting up to settle on the Prince's back.

"What about you, your Highness?" She inquires—causing the chancellor at her side to follow her gaze with his own curious look.

The Prince's gaze, mismatched like pieces of a puzzle, drifts away to the window—enveloping the room in a blanket of silence.

—First Person POV.—


"(Y/n), I'm not going to use my quirk to create a poisonous mushroom."

"But I really want to just pass away right now,"  I claim and flop back onto the bed—hands shielding my eyes in utter embarrassment.

"I yapped on and made no sense— Plus, I can't even remember anything that I said!" Frustration now tainted my words and I roll to peak over the bedside "I just know it sounded nothing like Lady Hikari.."

Kinoko was laying on the floor again, the top of her red and white spotted shroom cap meeting my eye before I catch a sigh escaping her lips.

She had been nibbling on pastries from a plate at her side and idly scribbled something down "Well, not to alarm you— But you're also not Lady Hikari." Her sweet voice points out after a pause.

Her legs kicked happily, causing the ends of her dress to flutter with the movement—and her domed hat tilted, revealing her eyes as she looked up to meet my gaze.

"So why does it matter?" She chirps, now propped up on her elbows while a large grin danced along her expression.

Cross-pupils gleam towards the deadpan that falls across my expression and I drop a hand over the edge, gaging a therapy pastry from the fae—who had easily reached for her plate, and handed it over.

"But I still have to make it through the next four weeks," I let out a grumble as I retreat back over the edge, lying on my back to stare up at the ceiling.

"I've never been trained to be a Dukes daughter, I don't know how to act or what to say—" A part of me felt better with the new treat in my grasp "Every second feels like someone will point and reveal me as an imposter among them."

Which I am.

It was weird—deep down, I think I possessed more noble qualities than Lady Hikari ever did.

Was it wrong to think I was nobler in spirit than a true nobleman's daughter? If only I had been born into a Dukes family instead of Hikari— If only my father wasn't a lamed-legged servant, unable to control his own destiny.

Guilt smacked me across the face and poured a freezing bucket of water over my head as I took a bite of the pastry and let its taste waft over my tongue.

Despite my father's shortcomings—he couldn't read, write, or express affection—he was still my father, unlike a titled father, he would never try to marry me off for profit or betroth me to a stranger.

A knock at the door made me jolt upright "That must be Hagakure—" And I nearly choked on the food in my mouth

"She was coming to show me around the castle, you're supposed to come along so you can learn the layout too." I managed out despite the lethal coughing fit.

Kinoko sprang up, emerging from the floor with her stuff and setting her plate down on the nightstand as she turned to hastily brush crumbs off of my face "At least the Prince won't be joining us, right?" She reassured.

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