Chapter 14: Dhruv

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***Mature content (a lot of it)***

Vansh shoves me into my room and bangs the door shut from outside. I stagger towards my bed and try sitting, but collapse on the floor instead. I drag myself to the edge of the bed and sit with my back against it. I bring my knees to my chest and begin weeping. I have never felt so insulted in my life. I can't even bring myself to understand their hatred for me. It is better left untouched, yet, I want to know what part of me is so appalling, so detestable, that I am not even asked if things about me are true or not. They assume I am loose, they assume I am available, they assume I throw myself around just because I am gay. My sexuality is not an experimentation ground.

The clock ticks away. Two hours pass just like that. I hear voices outside from time to time. I try shutting them off, not pay any heed to them, but they get louder, drenching my soul. Pathetic. Pathetic. My stomach's growling by now, but I cannot muster the courage to step outside and grab a bite.

I hear the knob of the connecting door turning. Vansh steps in, shutting the door behind him. He has seen me in my most destitute state now. He bolts towards me and embraces me. I weep, snuggling my head in his arm. I hold on to him desperately, somewhere hoping he can save me. How can he save me? He cannot. Nobody can. "Why?", I ask him. "Why did you tell them? You could have let them assume."

He draws away from me. "Assume and insult you? Do you realize what they were saying..."

"I am used to it. Really."

"It isn't something you should get used to."

I sniff and wipe my nose. "I think it's better for you to take the first flight back to Mumbai. No point staying here and getting insulted anymore." I support myself on the bed and stand up. I head towards the switchboard and switch on some lights, and head to the window for fresh air. I keep the lights dim to not show much of me. After a while, I hear his footsteps approaching me. He embraces me from behind. "Go.", I tell him.

He kisses me on my cheek. "I don't take orders. I was able to be brave for once. Don't ask me to be a coward and run away again."

"Go. Please." My voice is begging him to leave. My heart wants him to live a respectful life, one without suffering. I am sure he can lead one without me around. I am sure.

"They argued a lot, especially Jagat. He has an immense hatred for you. I think he is after the inheritance. He might get everything if he succeeds in kicking you out. He and Tara went on and on about how you are the worst creature to be associated with. I had enough." He pauses. "I told them I slept with you.", he whispers in my ear.

"What?", I scream. I turn and look at him. He brings his hands down to my waist. "We never...."

"Shhh." His raspy voice sends a shiver down my spine. "I've already said it. I'd might as well do it now.", Vansh says.

I try reading Vansh's expression, but the dim lighting of my room keeps it concealed from me. Perhaps, he does not want to show any. It is just and my haywire thoughts trying to extract meaning from his words. They might mean nothing. What he said in front of Jagat and Tara might mean nothing. Vansh is just trying to protect me. If he takes all the blame, I'll be soared. And that would imply the end of our association. Did he do it on purpose to protect himself? A single statement from him has guaranteed that we will now be kept apart.

"What are you thinking about?", Vansh asks as he takes a step closer.

"Hmm? Nothing.", I shake my head and free myself from his arms. "Go."

"Should I?", he gives me a naughty smirk.

"Hmm." That's all I can say?

"Lies." His voice is affirmative, confident, strong.

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