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Most people would have let what Iliana did slide and just left the state. But after I saw the naked posters plastered over our campus I knew she had gone too far. My face flushed hot with anger as I tore down pictures of me in see through lingerie that were only sent to my personal laptop. How could she have gotten them? How could she be so evil. "Tee" a small voice whispered behind me.

I spun around more anger filling my face as I realized how she'd gotten access to my laptop. Sheepishly my sister looked at me her eyes filled with fear, guilt and what shone most hatred. "I didn't know that was why she wanted your laptop." Rage flared through me. Slowly I blinked glaring at my gorgeous but stupid as fuck sister. "But you knew that she hated me." I spat the words out. Her face dropped.

Before the venom of my words could bite her  again, I walked off campus and to my car. Between the anger and betrayal I felt I was starting to tune out. This bitch had some nerve, Talking to my sister is one fucking thing, getting my laptop, stealing my private photos? Plastering them around campus! The lawsuit I could bring on this bitch alone. I continued walking to my car wishing i'd parked closer and rushed to get in, letting out a scream the second the door closed.

After a moment or two I picked my phone up and called my bestfriend. One ring in she picked up. "Yo" She started before I delve into what had happened in the 5 mins I was on campus. I looked over at the posters sitting in my passenger seat. I'm not ashamed of my body, I look great in the pics and my body has always been nice. But I wanted to strangle Iliana, and I wanted to punch Liyah in the neck for being so naive. "Just fuck her dad or something" Aniya joked pulling me from my thoughts. I burst out laughing "Better yet I should marry him" I joked back. "Wait....." My facetime rang and I picked up getting the full look of my half dressed bestfriend. "What if you did?" She looked dead serious and I just raised an eyebrow, confused.

Seducing My Enemies FatherWhere stories live. Discover now