Chapter Six - Cat's outta the bag

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Talking about my mom and what happened hadn't ever really bothered me. I mean was it cruel? Yes but Iliana and I were young and I could forgive that. But we're in our twenties, posting pictures of me naked like we were still in highschool? Manipulating my gullible sister? Everything else she had done to make me miserable didn't feel close to this. I've never done anything to anyone to deserve the cruelness that girl could dish out, But I would take it no longer. She had to suffer this time, she had to know what true pain felt like. Sometimes killing her seemed like the easier option, but that's not who I am. Not who I could be.

I sighed and silently went back to my onion mix adding a bit of chardonnay to it as it simmered. "So what now?" I asked knowing there was a decent chance I'd ruined any chance I had with this specific plan. "What do you mean? Are you kicking me out so soon? I thought we were... eating" Elijah stared me down as he referred to eating, making it sound like a dirty word. I just chuckled. "I'm cooking aren't I?" I couldn't help but smile. His witty personality and relaxed manner made me feel, comfortable in a sense.


Jesus Christ, Illy needs so much more then the therapy, the child is actually demented. I mean I knew when she ran wives two and three off that we had to make a change. I just thought she had spoiled brat syndrome, had I known she was not only bullying someone and quiet literally torturing them; I don't even know. She need's an exorcist, hell she needed therapy and an asylum. Viviana couldn't possibly know our daughter was this wicked. She cooked mainly in silence asking and answering little questions when I would ask. I didn't speak of Illy again, not knowing how else to approach the subject. I wasn't about to let her evilness run yet another person away from me.

"Stop staring at me" She giggled, pulling me from my thoughts. "I wasn't staring I was admiring your beauty" I gave her a cheeky smile and she rolled her eyes. I sipped my chardonnay, but my eyes remained on her. The dress she wore showed off a butterfly tattoo on her spine and suddenly I wanted to see where all her tattoos led. "Answer me this" I started and she burst into a fit of giggles. I cocked an eyebrow, she would find that entertaining. "I'm sorry" she put a hand up in surrender while using the other to put aspargus in the oven. "How did you afford this house?" I asked. "I sell drugs" she said coldly. Not looking at me for a while. Then she laughed making scrunching uo that perfect nose. "As if. I free lanced for a software company freshman year and lets just say that my software has padded my bank account healthily and I'm staying in school for fun" she shrugged as if it meant nothing. Brains and beauty. Not to mention how amazing the house smelled. She could do no wrong and I'd never felt attraction to anyone the way I felt for her. Teoni was perfection if I'd ever seen it, the beauty of those long legs, her slim but curvy body leading to such a perfect face. She would make Aphrodite quiver in shame with her beauty. "You're staring again"

Again she burst into a fit of giggles keeping herself entertained, the room filling with the intoxicating melody. She stared back this time, scrunching her nose and again and leaning forward not breaking eye contact, neither of us spoke or moved until I stood up and made my way to her, picking her up and sitting her on the counter. I couldn't decide which set of lips I wanted to taste most, she started at me waiting for my next move. "Das my bestfriend, she a real bad bitch do her own th- " Tee grabbed her phone quickly silencing the loud rangtone that had ruined the moment. "Oops" she giggled, wrapping her arms around my neck. "We were having a starting contest right?" She asked putting an innocent look on her face. I rolled my eyes slipping my hand up her thigh. "Guess that depends on how well you can remain eye contact?" I asked lowly, sliding my hand further up her thigh; going to pull her panties to the side to find to my delight there were none.


Not breaking eye contact one of Elijah's fingers found its way to my clit, stroking back and forth slowly as we stared eachother down. Two more found my pussy diving in to the wetness. He smiled but made no comment that I was already soaking, I ignored the instinct to moan knowing the moment I gave in I wouldn't remain eye contact. Slowly he pulled his fingers out of me and put them in his mouth, I let out a moan my eyes closing immediatley. This man was like my own personal gift from heaven. Elijah kissed me letting me taste too and I was ready to let him have it all.

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