Chapter Three- Hook, Line , Sinker

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"Teoni Eve" I smiled charmingly. "Thanks for intervening & for the gorgeous flowers" I couldn't help but notice he still held hand so slowly I pulled it away from him. "You know yellow roses symbolise friendship." His deep voice was like sex to my ears, caressing them softly. "Oh really? Does that mean you want to be friends?" A smile played at his lips and I couldn't help but smile too. "That depends, Would you mind meeting me here-" he pulled out a card and handed it to me. "Say tomorrow at 4:30" I raised an eyebrow. "I don't know I try not to meet strangers in unknown places" I joked a little. "Its the botanical garden, very public and you'll love it. 4:30pm, don't be late" he kissed my hand again and left without another word. I inhaled as deeply as I could catching the last of his cologne. That man is so fuckin fine, you could bounce a quarter off those biceps. And his taste exquisite. I watched his tall frame walk off in an all black custom vera wang suit tailored to fit every inch of that clearly chiseled body. And he walked like it was big.... Mm.

The following morning I woke before my alarm. Too excited to put my plan in motion. Maybe also too excited to see Mr. Wayne. From across the room my phone rang, I sprinted to pick it up knowing it was my bestfriend. I had called to update her last night to no avail so I gave her a brief run down via text.

Niya: Oh my goshhh! Spill.

Me: GIRLLLLL! When I say this man is fine ?? I'm talkin 6'5, Dark Chocolate, Waves I could drown in, teeth so perfect and white a dentist would kidnap him and a perfectly buff body with broad shoulders. And he smells soooo fuckin good! With a voice like a velvet. Then he bought me a dozen flowers and a bottle of 04 Dom!

Niya: Iliana is gonna regret the day she ever fucked with you! What are you wearing to the garden??

Me: Something leggy thats for sure. I have that 2 piece romper like dress in blush pink

Niya: Oh you're not playin games! I'll be surprised if he doesn't try to rip it off.

We both burst into hysterical laughter, This girl know she play all day. We chatted a little more while I made breakfast and she updated me on her life, my God daughters and her fiancee's drama. When we were 19 Niya fell in love with the greatest most caring girl ever & they got married and adopted the cutest set of twins. All I ever craved was a loving relationship like hers and I lived vicariously through her.

"Where's the twins?" I asked finishing my waffles and strawberries. "Girl don't summon them!" she laughed looking to her left to look for them. "They post to be sleep but toddlers literally do not freakin sleep" her perfect brown nose crinkled in annoyance as she rolled her eyes. "It's like they're on crack"
Right on cue Abby grabbed the phone "bxyjvdr Momma khygc gabby!!" She yelled while running to her bedroom and showing me Gabby and the toys I sent last week. "Abby you have to slow down girl, I don't understand gibberish" I heard a fit of giggles and then Niya snatched the phone. "Im tellin mommy on yall!" She yelled while waving me goodbye.

The rest of the day dragged by while I did my hair and cleaned my apartment. I had straightened my hair and put them in old school rollers to get the volume I wanted, I had put a lot of thought into my outfit. The blush pink dress set I chose barely made it to my knees, but it flows so beautifully in the wind and gives off a slight princess vibe, it's strappy and backless so I chose pasties instead of a real bra, and paired silver heels that wrapped up my ankle and were comfortable enough to walk around in with a silver handbag only big enough to hold cash and my lipgloss. While I still had time before the date I couldn't decide on if I wanted to wear my hair down or if I should put it in a high ponytail. As angry as I was at my sister I wanted nothing more then to call her and ask.

I walked from my bedroom to the kitchen and opened a bottle of Chardonnay, grabbing a flute I filled a glass and downed it. What am I thinking going on a date with a guy 15 years older then me. I mean yeah Iliana must pay but am I doing too much. No actually im not doing enough. Iliana has tortured me every day since highschool and posting my naked photos just takes the cake. My body is fit and amazing at that and I know she wishes she had curves like mine, shes been jealous since I hit puberty and she remained petite. As if fat shaming me for having D cups would make a difference, she had to pay to even get the b cups she had now.

Finally taking out the curlers I decided on the farah fawcett, attentively I one by one pulled my curls apart before aggressively shaking out my curls until I was happy with the result. I did a basic glam look only lining my eyes and lips before adding gloss and gettin dressed. I stared in the mirror admiring myself a little while sipping my glass of wine. Grabbing my clutch and my car keys I headed out 20 mins early, The anxious side of me arrives everywhere 15 minutes early so I can map out exit routes and the people in the area.

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