Chapter Seven - Losing it

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As I walked into the house there was a loud bang followed by a scream. Before my brain could process my body was already moving running toward the source of the noise. "What happened?" I started as I rounded the corner to Viv towering over what looked like an unconscious man. Jesus christ if Viviana and Iliana knew anything it was how to bring copious amounts of trauma and drama to my life.

Viviana threw her hands up in surrender a loud thud as my decanter hit the floor. "He tried to attack me when I asked him to leave!" She didn't look at me which was a relief, I could not hold in the anger I felt, she somehow always managed to make the most perfect day turn to shit, I slowly turned away and took a deep breath. This woman could start drama in a morgue, alone. "What are you gonna do?" Vivianas' small voice whispered. I let out an aggravated chuckle.

"This is your problem Viv, clean it up and then pack your shit. You can move to the guest house for six months but you gotta go. I won't do this anymore" I stated trying to maintain my calm. "What? For one mistake?" She whined. A bitter laugh escaped my throat and before I knew it I was in her face. "One mistake?" I growled. She shrunk back, caught off guard by the anger in my voice and how quickly I'd gotten in her face. She didn't speak again just walked over to whatever his name was and began trying to wake him up. I started walking out of the room before remembering I'd invited Tee to dinner. "Also come to dinner tonight, Sober Viv. It's important and about Illy" she didn't acknowledge me but I knew she heard me, I stormed off heading to my office and slamming the door behind me.

These women would be the death of me.


I wasn't surprised at the absolute gorgeous home Elijah had. It was expected, I didn't dress up today incase I had to fight his daughter. I'd pulled my hair into a tight bun leaving fly aways to frame my face. I didn't waste time on my makeup aside from a nyx butter lip gloss in chocolate and the black hoodie and shorts combo I'd decided on almost felt too casual sitting at the front gate. I could always turn around, never come back. Tell Iliana I'd cum multiple times for her father. Take a pic of her house to prove I'd been here.

What the fuck am I thinking? What would I do when people found out? What would my dad say? I know momma is rolling in her grave at the thought of me seducing Ilianas father. They didn't raise me to be petty and vengeful. But I'm not entirely sure it was about the revenge anymore, I couldn't be sure I was doing it for the right reason. Could I seperate my feelings from my actions? That little seed of doubt was all I needed. I threw my car in reverse and turned to back out, only to be greeted by Elijah with his arms crossed. "Going somewhere?" He raised his eyebrow and I just burst out laughing. I put the car in park making a mental note to work on my situational awareness, I got out of the car and walked to greet him. "Hi" I hid a smile looking up at him. "Hello" he grabbed me pulling me into a tight hug. "You were going to leave huh?" I couldn't see the smile but I could hear it and just giggled into his arm. "No I was going to grab a bottle of tequila and chug it on the way back" I joked and he pulled back looking me up and down.

"Casual doesn't do in my household... come on" he started walking toward the house shaking his head. "What about my car?" I questioned and he burst out laughing, not bothering with an answer. I followed silently taking in the garden we walked past. Roses of every color were planted in every other sector of the garden. A rock walkway led to the entrance of his home. It screamed money but it was also comfortable in a way. A wrap around porch with rocking chairs led to big brown doors of the three floor home, it had that southern home feel without being plantation like.

I walked into the foyer, taking in the beauty of the home, photos placed strategically on the walls led to another room. This place really gave you that at home feeling. Elijah stared at me attempting to figure out my thoughts but I didn't speak. His home was gorgeous, colorful and open. I envied the homey feel. His house felt lived in, I often felt like my home was too catalog ready, You could tell someone lived here but my house felt like. He walked me through the living room, then the den, before leading me to his office. Big mahagonay doors led to a huge office with a more art , a gorgeous bookshelf filled to the brim and everything was black.

"I thought we could drink in here until Viviana arrives and then we can go to dinner." Elijah sat in the love seat patting next to him. Next to him was a black bar cart with gold accents. Every liquor I could think of was there with an array of mixers and an ice bucket. "I'll take a shot of tequila, and maybe a margarita" My nerves had started kicking in somewhere between the living room and den, My hands now clammy and a bit of sweat building at the nape of my neck. He watched me intently. Being in his home I fet out of place. Everything was so... extravagant. I felt so ordinary. "Sit" he commanded and I stared at him, an amused smile making it's way to my face. "

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