Chapter Five - The reason

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"I do recall passinng a taco spot on the way in here" I suggested while looking him over in his expensive suit and giggled. "Of course you'd stick out like a sore thumb in that" I gestured to the outfit. He chuckled a deep hearty laugh and I melted a little. How could this fine ass man have given birth to evil incarnate. It made no sense. "I don't do casual" he shrugged. "Well how about you come to my house...." I started to suggest and he raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Well I make a mean chicken parm and I wouldn't mind getting to know you in a more intimate setting" My voice was barely a whisper by the end of the sentence.

"I'll drive" he suggested and I cackled. "Did you even drive yourself here ? You give me more of a personal driver vibe, then a drive yourself around vibe" Dramatically he grasped his chest with a loud gasp. "Why Teoni I am offended! Terrence is not a personal driver! He is my permanent uber" he joked smiling ear to ear revealing deep dimples. "Well tell him he can pick you up later and I'll drive you to my house" I smiled leading the way to my car. On our way out we passed the orchid exhibit again  and I lingered. "Beautiful isn't it?" I asked and turned to him. He was staring me down, a look I couldn't quiet place on his face. "Yes" he responded immediatley. "I saw the orchids when we first came in and I saw how you admired them" he smirked not looking away from my gaze. I didn't speak just rose a questioning eyebrow and continued to the car.

On the way to my house we made small talk until he asked. "So what did my daughter do to make you hunt me down?" His full body was positioned toward me. A couple moments passed in silence before I let out a deep sigh and reached in the backseat, under his seat were the posters she had plastered, humiliating me. I handed the stack to him. A gasp of disbelief escaped his lips, but I couldn't help but notice him change how he was sitting. Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, I couldn't help but look at his pants. Where a perfect outline of his thick penis stared back at me. I quickly looked away attempting to change the subject. " I felt like the best way to humiliate her back was to violate her privacy or better yet humiliate her too, You raised an ambitious but evil girl" I snarled. He sighed deepily.

"Iliana is just a product of her enviorment and unfortunatley she comes from a particularly vile woman. But if you don't mind me asking how did that lead to this?" He asked while putting his hand on my thigh. I bit my lip hesitant. "It was a joke between my bestfriend and I at first but I mean have you seen you? You're kind of gorgeous" he chuckled lowly but lust was prelavent in his eyes. I pulled into my driveway parking the car and fully turned my body to him.

"So does that mean you'll let me taste you?" The hunger in his eyes had me clenching my thighs together. "Maybe after I make lunch you can have me for dessert" I smiled seductively before getting out of the car and walking toward my home. I started renting the beach house three years ago and permanently made it my home the following summer. The sand gold walkway led up to a black glass house, I fell inlove with all the light the sunset brings in. My interior consisted of all white as the reflection of the beach made my home as colorful as ever. All white marble floors led to an all white kitchen and living room. I stepped out of my heels at the door and led him to the island in my kitchen.

"What are you going to make me?" He questioned as I began pulling onion, garlic, and bell pepers from my fridge. I'd been marinating some steak so he was getting my dinner. "Some pepper steak and a baked potato, maybe with some asparagus. Do you want some chardonnay??" I asked while moving to grab the bottle from my wine fridge and two glasses. "Yes, but will you tell me what started this beef between you and Illy?" He sat in my bar chair facing me.

I took a deep sigh. The truth is I can't remember when exactly it started. I'd met Illiana in seventh grade and even then she was self centered, rich and cruel. Our first interaction consisted of her putting bubble gum in my freshly permed hair, my mom had to cut a chunk of my hair out and I spent the rest of the year looking like Lord Farquad. The following year she purposely ruined my prom dress by pouring the entire punch bowl on me cause I won prom Queen and she hadn't. I skipped all of that and told him about freshman year. "Your daughter has always been cruel but freshman year, at the back to school parade she decided that would be the first time she humiliated me. Growing up my parents were middle class but freshman year my dad died and my mom turned to some pretty hard drugs... Well one day your daughter saw my mom on the streets, turning tricks so she could afford meth her drug of choice." I stopped talking and started sauteeing the onions and garlic I'd minced. My throat started to feel dry so I waited, Once I gained my composure I sipped my chardonnay and continued. "Anyways Iliana got pictures of everything but that wasn't enough. So while I was dancing on the field prior to the dedication ceremony I saw my mom walk in, I couldn't believe it. I hadn't seen her in months and she looked horrible. Raggedy beat up clothes barely covering her skinny body. I couldn't even recognize her. When I thought things couldn't get worse the slideshow for the seniors started. Except it was my mom, on her knees. Getting the money up for her drugs." I stopped talking, chugged my wine and avoided his eye contact.

For a moment he didn't say anything. Finally he left his chair and came wrapping his arms around me. "That's horrible & I can't imagine the humiliation and pain you felt. I'm sorry" he whispered in my neck and I couldn't help but focus on our close proximity. He smelled So. Damn. Good. I shrugged. "It has been hostile ever since." I finished, going back to cooking.

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