Chapter 12 - A new goal

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The next few days dragged by slowly. The resort slowly began to feel like a prison by day six. Elijah got me massaged, drunk, gave me mud baths, we did yoga and we ate...... a lot. But not once were we allowed on our phones, with the free time though I'd managed to regroup and was back on track for my plan. I couldn't prove it but I knew this was Iliana's fault. I knew she was responsible for Aaliyahs' death. Maybe not intentionally but she had to pay.

The lock turning in the door pulled me from my thoughts and I turned my body to face the door, just as Elijah stalked in. He looked pertrubed, he scrunched his perfect eyebrows forming multiple lines in his forehead and nose. I realized he was staring at the room bill and I bit back a smile. "Did you watch the entire twilight series in one sitting?" He raised an eyebrow shutting the door behind him. "Well.... Yes " I burst out laughing and he just shook his head, jumping into the bed with me. "That's like ten hours, Did you even sleep?" Elijah wrapped his strong arms around me, trailing kisses from my wrist to my cheek, before finally pecking my lips softly.
I melted into him, his aroma engulfing me. "Aaliyah was obsessed with the series growing up and as an adult it became her comfort series, she watched it when she was happy, sad, in love, I think she liked the idea of a forever love more then the actual story. Least I could do was keep the tradition alive" My voice cracked as I felt the lump grow in my throat. His grip tighthened as he caressed my arm. "I can't promise I'll stay awake but we can watch twilight tonight before we head home in the morning. Plus I have a surprise for you" Elijah spoke into my neck, making the hairs on my neck stand up. "I have a surprise for you too" I smiled.

He raised an eyebrow. "Would it have anything to do with the gift shop charge I got a call about this morning?" He raised an eyebrow and I nodded eagerly. The resort had all types of gift shops and I'd stumbled across an adult one. I slid from his arms and jogged to the bathroom where I'd hidden the gift bag. I reached in the pink satin bag and pulled out a silk blindfold, in the bag sat a brown lacy lingerie set that matched my chocolate skin. Quickly peeled off my satin pajamas and slippined into the ensemble, Because of our age difference I'd grabbed brown leg garters to match.
Cliché I know but who cares, in my purse was my signature scent Sexual Noir and I sprayed my ankles, neck, and wrists. It'd been a week since I looked in the mirror and I visibly gasped at the bags under my puffy eyes. I hadn't bring any makeup except a brow pencil and concealer which would have to work. I dabbed concealer under my eyes until I was satisfied with the result and used my brow pencil to clean my brows up before lining my lips for the plump look. I took a step back, admiring myself. The brown corset brasier had my boobs fighting not to fall out, the brown thong had lace cutouts on the side showcasing my matching tattoo with Aaliyah, a small butterfly in pink I sighed letting my hair loose from the low bun and framed my face with loose curls. Surprisingly the spa had done wonders for my hair and it was looking healthy.

"Ready?" I yelled to an unsuspecting Elijah, I didn't wait for a reply and opened the door leaning sexily on the frame. His eyes raked over my body, slowly as he bit his lip. "Fuck" he whispered causing me to smile. I sashayed towards him, slowly whilst twirling the blindfold in my hand. When I reached the bed I crawled to him and leaned in for a kiss. I licked his bottom lip before sucking it into my mouth and nibbling it. Elijah's strong hand cradled my head, his hand tangled in my hair as he kissed me. I leaned more into him, deepening the kiss as our tongues danced. Slowly I pulled away from the kiss, pulling his bottom lip with me. I relaxed back on my knees and put my hand out, handing him the blindfold. "Let's play a game" I smiled and he arched an eyebrow.

Teasingly I wrapped my arms around his neck and straddled him. I slid the blindfold from his hand and wrapped it tightly around his eyes. Once I was sure he couldn't see I trailed kisses from his neck down to his chest before tugging at his shirt for him to remove it, happily he obliged and I trailed kisses to his belly button, licking all the way down to his belt. His smell was intoxicating and a flashback from our brief but fun threesome flashed in my mind, causing me to clench my thighs slightly. I didn't have to tug at Elijah's pants his hand met mine at his buckle as he slid it off with ease.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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