On the train

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As I got on the train I looked around all the compartments looking for someone who looked nice to sit with so eventually I gave up and sat with my stupid brother Draco.

"Struggling to find somewhere to sit Y/N?" Draco said with a light chuckle.

I gave him a dirty look "Shut up Draco!" I said still giving the dirty look.
"Oh Y/N your gonna love Hogwarts. You can sit with me and my friends. And if you don't get sorted into Slytherin then your no longer my sister ok Y/N?" Draco said half teasingly.

"Oh shut up Draco you really piss me off!" I replied getting quite annoyed at him. Does he really think I can't make friends on my own. I may be a little bit antisocial but I know how to make friends and not that much of an introvert.

Then the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen walked into mine and Dracos compartment.

"Oh hey Mattheo! This is my twin sister Y/N." Draco said with a grin.

"Hey there gorgeous." He replied to me with a teasing smile.

"Hello it's lovely too meet you." I raised my hand towards his to shake his hand. He shook my hand  and then kissed my hand gently and it was so cute.

Soon the train came to a stop and we got off the train and we got off the train and walked towards Hogwarts.



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