The Common Room

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I walked into the common room to hopefully get away from Mattheo, he was freaking me out but it was kinda hot when he grabbed my thigh. So bold.

I sat on one of the couches with Enzo.

"HI BESTIE!!!" Enzo shouted loudly

"Hey Enzo, oh do I have the story to tell you." I replied with an annoyed smile.

"Ooo spill the tea..." Enzo started to finally calm down.

"Right so I was in class and the only seat left was next to Mattheo, right? So I sit down right, and five minutes into the lesson he started to stroke my thigh." I said still having an annoyed smile.

"NO HE DIDNT!!!" Enzo yelled.

"YEA HE DID!!!" I yelled back at him

"So what happened next?" Enzo said in a whisper tone.

"Halfway through the lesson he started to squeeze my thigh and when I asked him to stop he said 'Oh Y/N you make me laugh sometimes.' and I told him to get of my thigh and he said and I quote 'Oh darling your so cute...' and it was so annoying." I replied in a whisper tone

"Wow you have a hot guy head over heels for you... you're a lucky duck..." Enzo whispered

"And he also whispered down my ear 'You're such a pretty girl...' and I was so annoyed... but you're not wrong he is kinda hot..." I whispered.

And then I felt a breath at the back of my neck so I turned around and saw Mattheo.

"Hey darling. What are you guys whispering about?" Mattheo said with his signature smirk and sat down.

"Umm we are talking about... umm..." I couldn't think of an excuse but thankfully Enzo is brilliant at on the spot thinking.

"We were talking about Taylor Swift's new album." Enzo said with a smile.

"ITS SO GOOD RIGHT???" I yelled very loud.

"I haven't heard it yet... but I heard it depressing." He said with a blank stare.

"No. Don't you dare. It's brilliant so fuck off." Me and Enzo said in sync.

"But I don't want to fuck off." Mattheo replied with a pout.

"Stop pouting you look fucking weird!" I shouted at Mattheo.

"No i look handsome." He said with a smirk.

"Whatever." I said.

Then I got up and went to my dorm.

The New Girl | Mattheo Riddle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now