The Party

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I arrived at the party and everyone looked gorgeous. But Mattheo really caught my eye.

When I walked in Lorenzo yelled very loud. "Y/N YOU LOOK SO PRETTY BESTIE!!!"

"Hi Lorenzo." I said to him

"Girl call me Enzo!" Lorenzo said.

"Oh ok then Enzo." I said to him. I walked over the group and I went to sit next to Draco but I felt someone pull me next to them.

And it was Mattheo the one who pulled me next to them and we were very close.

"Darling you stay by me. You got that?" Mattheo whispered in my ear.

"Um ok?" I replied kinda confused. Does he have a crush on me or something?

I felt his arms wrap around my waist and it was very awkward.

"MATTHEO RIDDLE GET OFF MY SISTER!!!" Draco suddenly yelled at Mattheo.

"No she's mine." Mattheo replied to Draco hugging me tighter.

Oh my goodness he has such a tight grip, I can barely breathe! But I kinda like it. OH GOD WHAT AM I THINKING I BARLEY KNOW THE GUY!!!

"Mattheo get off her! You are clinging onto her! You're gonna suffocate her." Draco shouted at Mattheo.

"FUCK OFF DRACO AND LET ME ENJOY THE HUG WITH YOUR SISTER!" Mattheo yelled at Draco. Oh god he is so attractive when he yells.

Soon he did let go but then the worst thing happened. Pansy decided that we should play spin the bottle and when I spun it it landed on Mattheo.

"Uh oh..." I mumbled and I looked at Mattheo and he was just smirking.

"Well come on Darling." Mattheo said still smirking. "Come kiss me. I promise you will love every second of it."

I slowly walked over to him to kiss him and when he kissed me he was very passionate and it felt so good but I didn't want to admit it so after the kiss we just continued with that game but soon it reached midnight and everyone was leaving so I left aswell.



The New Girl | Mattheo Riddle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now