Our Dorm

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Me, Pansy, Daphne and Astoria started walking towards our dorm and I was very excited because they seem nice and when I saw our dorm it was gorgeous.

"Welcome to our dorm!" Pansy, Daphne and Astoria said in sync. It was clear they had been practicing to say that at the same time before I arrived.

"It's gorgeous." I said with a huge smile.

"We are glad you like it." Daphne said.

"Well we need to go." Astoria said.

"We will meet you later in the common room?" Pansy asked me.

"Yeah I'll meet you guys there I just need to unpack my stuff first." I replied.

They all left and I was on my own and just started to unpack all of my stuff.

Soon I finished and went down the the common room and when I got there I found out they were having a party. AND NOBODY TOLD ME!!!

So I ran back up to my dorm so I could change my outfit to be more party appropriate.

Y/N's outfit

If you don't like it just imagine something else

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If you don't like it just imagine something else.

I went back down to the party and it was fun.

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