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You took a deep breath, trying your best to stay calm as you watched The Judgement Day approach you. You were scheduled to interview them, but this was your first time interacting with them and it was safe to say that they were very intimidating. You really hoped that this interview was going to go by fast.

"Well, hello there," Rhea smirked, stepping uncomfortably close to you.

"Uh- Hi. You guys are a bit early, we're not scheduled on air for another ten minutes." You stated, causing Damian to laugh.

"Better to be early than late, am I right, guys?" Finn asked, smiling from ear to ear. You weren't sure as to why they were acting like this, but you felt it was better than them being angry.

You pulled out your phone, wanting to try and kill time before the interview. You really didn't want to deal with them until you had to, especially with the way they were acting. It made you feel uneasy. As you unlocked your phone, Rhea grabbed it from you roughly.

"Hey what the-" you started, but Rhea cut you off.

"We were having such a nice conversation, it's rude to be on your phone. Put it away now." She said, handing the phone back to you.

You did as you were told – missing the look Rhea gave the others. You looked at the four of them, jumping a little when you realized that all four of them were staring back at you. Looking over at the clock in the room, realizing you had two minutes before Raw went on air. A part of you was thankful that you and The Judgement Day were kicking off the show, you wanted to get this done and over with.


"Hello, I'm here with The Judgement Day, now with a week away from Wrestlemania, they all have-" you began, but Rhea grabbed the mic from you.

"Listen (Your Name), we don't have time for this." Rhea snapped, handing the microphone to Dominik.

"When Finn wins his match and I beat my deadbeat father, and when Mami. Oh, when Mami wins the title from Charlotte Flair, everyone will fear The Judgement Day." He said, throwing the microphone down onto the ground.

When they walked away, the camera's cut off and you took a deep breath. You were so glad that the segment went faster than you had expected. You jumped when Rhea had suddenly reappeared next to you – this time without cameras.

"Sorry for scaring you, I didn't mean to," She chuckled, and you gave her a small smile. "I just... wanted to tell you how good you look tonight."

You gave her a confused look. "Really?"

You thought it was a little odd, considering the two of you never had a conversation in years until the interview. You two were in no way close and for her to say that you felt it was a little inappropriate.

"Yes, really. Can't I tell you how good I think you look? Or are you that stuck up?" she asked, causing your eyes to widen.

"N-No, y-you can, I- just- I-" you stuttered. Rhea cut you off by backing you up into the corner.

"You're just not used to it? It's okay, I understand." Rhea smiled softly.

You flinched when she caressed your cheek. You knew you were going to have to report her behavior, but maybe you were just overthinking?

"I'll see you around, you be good now." She winked, heading to find the others.

You couldn't believe what had just happened.

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