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"Fuck, you're so good with your mouth, baby. I'll have to use you like this more often. What do you say?" Rhea asked, catching her breath. You looked away, focusing on one of the tattoos on her thighs. When you didn't answer, she grabbed you by the hair. "I asked you a question, bitch."

"Y-Yes, I agree," you whimpered, causing Rhea to smile.

She slapped you across the face not once, but twice before letting go of your hair. You tried your best to fight the tears that were threatening to escape, but you couldn't help it.

"Aw, my little crybaby. You look so pretty with my cum all over your pathetic face," Rhea smiled, kicking you off the bed, "Come on, you need to shower and get dressed."


Once you were showered and dressed, Rhea made you sit down on the bathroom floor.

"Wh-Why?" you asked, rubbing the elbow you landed on.

"Because I don't trust you and I have to be at Raw tonight. You're coming with me," Rhea said, sitting up on the edge of the bed. You stood up quickly, shaking your head frantically.

"I don't want to go to Raw. Please? I won't go anywhere, I'll just stay in here and order food and I'll be good, I promise."

"I don't believe you. The last thing I need is for you to run off again. You're mine, (Your Name), whether you like it or not," Rhea said, smiling. You watched as her smile faded into a glare, making you back away from her.

"You have two choices: either you come to Raw with me or I'm going to hurt you for the next hour before I have to leave. That way, I'll know that the only thing you'll be doing while I'm gone is crying and lying down. It's your choice, and you have five seconds before I make it for you. And trust me: you won't like what I pick," she said.

You watched as she pulled her shirt off, biting your lips as you tried to stop the thoughts that were forming. You couldn't lie to yourself - Rhea was attractive and that made you hate yourself. How could you find her attractive after everything she's done to you? You shook your head, bringing yourself out of your thoughts as you realized Rhea was waiting for your answer. To your surprise, she was even doing so patiently.

"I-I'll go to Raw with you," you whispered.

Rhea chuckled. "You made the right choice, baby. I don't want to hurt you and you've been so bad, making me do it. It's your fault I've been hurting you so, so much. You know that, right?" Rhea asked as she climbed into the shower, "Tell me you know that. I want to hear you say it."

"It- It's my fault that you keep hurting me," you whispered, and Rhea shook her head.

"Now sit and behave while I shower and maybe I'll reward you when we're at the arena, okay?" Rhea suggested, making your stomach turn.

You sat in silence as Rhea took her time in the shower. A part of you wished you still had your phone - you were dying of boredom and the last thing you wanted was to strike up a conversation with her. Playing with your nails, you tried your best to focus on anything other than Rhea, but you were failing miserably. Your feelings were confusing you all over again, and you were unsure of how this was going to go. Do you try to tell someone again and have it backfire, or keep this to yourself and deal with it until Rhea gets bored of you? Both of those choices would end badly, but you needed to do something. You wanted to tell someone, but because of what happened with Dom, you were too afraid. You couldn't trust anyone now, not even yourself.

After what felt like an hour, Rhea turned the water off, causing you to jump. You kept your eyes to the ground, not wanting to look at her as she stepped out of the shower and grabbed her towel. You hated her, but at the same time, you couldn't stand to be away from her. She was all you had now, all you had to look forward to, even if she kept hurting you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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