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After you had gotten the text message from Rhea, you couldn't sleep. You had to be out of the hotel room by eleven in the morning, so you packed up your things and checked out. Wanting to get to your next destination long before anyone else - especially before Rhea.

You rushed down the hall, not wanting to risk running into anyone. You slowed down once you were out of the hotel - figuring that since it was two in the morning, you would be safe. Putting your bags into the trunk of your rental, you jumped once it was close when you realized Rhea was behind you.

"Where are you going, (Your Name)?" she asked, crossing her arms. You swallowed your spit, shaking your head before you could form any words.

"No- to the next city," you say, looking down to notice her bags on the ground on either side of her. You weren't sure as to how she knew you were leaving - you thought for sure she would be asleep. "Please, just leave me alone."

Pushing you against the car, Rhea wrapped her hand around your throat. She held you in place, surprisingly not squeezing. She leaned in, whispering, "I told you not to tell anyone, and you know what I would do if you did tell."

"Rhea, please, please. I'm so so-" you began, but Rhea cut you off. Squeezing your neck as hard as she can. You whimpered, trying to dig your nails into her hand - hoping that the pain would make her let up. Rhea continued to choke you, watching tears run down your eyes before leaning in and licking them off your face.

"You're not sorry, but soon you will be. Pop the trunk, I'm driving," she said, pulling away from you when a car pulled up next to your rental. "Dom is taking my rental back because we're going to be road buddies."

Your eyes widened as Rhea reached her hand out for what you assumed to be the keys to the car. You reluctantly handed them to her, causing her to smile as she popped the trunk. Rhea grabbed her bags, putting them in the car - instructing you to get in the car. You did as you were told, not wanting to make her angrier than she already was at you.

Once the trunk was shut, Rhea made her way to the driver's side of the car. She got in quietly, but you refused to look at her. You wanted to run, to scream for help, but you knew Rhea would quickly put an end to that. You were terrified, unsure as to what Rhea had planned to do to you. You were going to be alone with her for hours - silently hoping that she would leave you alone for the whole ride to the next destination.

You bit your lip, trying to calm your nerves as Rhea turned the car on. She pulled out of the hotel parking lot - but you kept your eyes locked on the window. It was dark out and you couldn't see much from the passenger window, but it was better than knowing that at any moment, Rhea was going to snap.

"We've got a six hour drive," Rhea stated, but you ignored her. You didn't want a conversation with her. Before you could notice what she was doing, Rhea pulled into the nearest parking lot. Putting the car in park and turning it off, Rhea turned to look at you. "Here's how this is going to go, when I'm talking to you, you're not going to ignore me. You're going to be a good girl and do what I say or you're going to be punished even more than I have planned. Do you understand me?"

You refused to acknowledge Rhea, wanting her to leave you alone. You didn't want her in the car with you - you didn't want her at all. Rhea sighed, losing her patient with you. Grabbing you by your hair and pulling as hard as she could, Rhea looked at you with a glare. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your move."

Left to Face This AloneWhere stories live. Discover now