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It had been three weeks since you had last worked, and a part of you felt anxious. You were scheduled to do a few interviews and you knew that Rhea was looking for any excuse to hurt. You made sure you didn't look at Anyone for too long or even talk to them for longer than she liked. You were walking on eggshells now, making sure to not make Rhea angry or upset in the slightest.

"When is your next interview?" Rhea asked as she got dressed for her match.

"Right after Finn's match, then I'll be sitting in your locker room like you told me." you said quietly, trying your best to maintain eye contact with her. You weren't sure if that would make her angry, but you really didn't want to find out.

"Good girl," she praised, reaching her hand out to caress your cheek. You flinched, but tried to play it off - silently hoping she wouldn't point it out. "When we get to the hotel room, I wanna make you feel good for being such a good girl."

You held back the urge to throw up - you hated the fact that she was being this way towards you. A part of you wanted to quit and go back to your hometown, knowing that your family would take you in.

"But please don't come to the interview, I need to focus on my job." you said, but as soon as it left your mouth, you regretted it.

"Excuse you?" Rhea snapped, grabbing your throat roughly. "If I want to be at your next interview, I will. Or should I remind you that I can and will make you quit your job faster than you can say 'no'. Don't fucking try me."

When she let go of your neck, you took a deep breath. "I- I'm sorry. Please don't make me quit. I love this job and- and, if you want to be at the interview, you can."

She smiled softly, "Good girl. Who are you interviewing?"

You whispered, "...Liv..."

You watched as Rhea's smile faded into a glare - she knew the two of you were really close friends and she hated it. "What time? I'll be there."

"It's after Dom vs Cody." you said, and she nodded.

Rhea walked away, leaving you unsure of what to do. You were afraid that she was going to start something with Liv during the interview. For the next two hours of Raw, you couldn't get your mind off of Liv or Rhea. You missed Liv, but with Rhea constantly watching you, you weren't able to hangout with her. Hell, you weren't even able to contact her without Rhea reading your text messages.


When the cameras landed on you, you took a deep breath. Smiling, you spoke up, "Hello, I'm here with one half of the women's tag team champions, Liv Morgan!"

You were doing so well and like usual, your chemistry with Liv was great. Flinching a little when Rhea appeared in your field of vision. You tried your best to stay focused on Liv and what she was saying, but the way Rhea was staring you down began to make things harder.

After the interview, Liv came up closer to you and asked, "Are you okay? You've barely been working and I'm just really worried about you. Are you able to come out for drinks tonight with me and Bianca?"

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