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It had been a full week since you quit your job, getting questions after questions from your former coworkers and friends. Rhea would constantly take your phone, answering their questions as if she were you. You were a bad liar and she didn't need anyone knowing what she was doing with you.

"Give me your phone," Rhea demanded, snapping her fingers before reaching her hand out for it. "Now."

"Rhea, please. I haven't been messaging anyone, I'm just on Twitter." you pleaded, but Rhea wasn't letting it go.

"I don't fucking believe you, now give me your phone, I won't tell you a third time. Understood?"

You silently hand her your phone, not wanting to get her angry. You watched as she unlocked it, biting your lip as she focused on looking at anything and everything she could. Rhea looked relaxed, not angry and that made you relax.

Ten minutes later, Rhea handed you her phone back. "See, was that so bad, baby? I didn't find anything, but the way you were acting makes me think you're hiding something. Do you need to lose phone privileges?"

You shook your head frantically, "No- No, I promise I'm not hiding anything. Please don't take my phone away, you've already taken my job from me."

Rhea hummed. "Okay. I guess I can believe you this time. But if you refuse to let me look at your phone ever again I'm going to break it, understood?"

"I understand." You whispered, trying to fight back the tears that were threatening to come out.

"Good girl." she praised. "You need to go take a shower, we're going to Damian's at his place today since we're in town. I want you to be on your best behavior while we're there. I'll have an outfit picked out for you on the bed."

You rushed to the bathroom, silently hoping that she wouldn't change her mind and join you. This was the only time you had away from her now that you were living with her and joining her on the road. You weren't in the company anymore, so you were stuck with her in her hotel rooms or in the cars. You hated it - hated the fact that she had taken everything away from you.

You began to cry in the shower, unable to stop the tears from flowing. You wanted her to leave you alone and let you live your own life, but you knew that was never going to happen.

When you finally calmed down, you shut off the water. Stepping out of the shower, you made your way to the counter. You winced as you looked in the mirror, old bruises were fading and you hoped that Rhea was done hurting you this much. They were still noticeable, but you could easily tell people that they're from something else and it would be believable. You began to dry off, not wanting to keep Rhea waiting for too long. You were glad the two of you were going over to Damian's - it would give her a distraction so she wasn't entirely focused on you and that would mean you'd be able to breathe.

Taking a deep breath, you walked out of the bathroom to find Rhea sitting on the bed with the clothes she picked out for you. You made your way to your suitcase, putting on deodorant before you grabbed your bra she had picked out. You weren't sure as to why she was staring at you, but it was making you feel uncomfortable.

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