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You made your way to the locker room, rushing to get away from Rhea. She seemed to be following you, but you weren't too sure. You hadn't seen her in three days, unsure of what she wanted from you – or why she was even at the performance center. You were there for a few interviews, getting ready for Wrestlemania. Once you were in the locker room, you made it seem that you were on the phone, just in case she was in fact, following you. Your gut feeling was right – she was following you. Tapping you on the shoulder, Rhea crossed her arms. You stuck up your finger to signal 'one moment' as you faked a conversation. She rolled her eyes but sat down on the bench behind you.

After three minutes, you pretended to hang up before turning to the Australian. You hoped that what she was going to say was nothing like the last time.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come out with me and the others?" she asked.

You bit your lip, trying to come up with a quick excuse. Rhea raised an eyebrow, waiting for your answer.

"I- I uh, I have plans." You lied. By the way Rhea rolled her eyes, you knew she knew that that was a lie.

"Oh, come on, it'll be fun. Both Dom and Damian are going to cover our tab tonight." Rhea said, trying her best to convince you.

You sighed, giving up. "Okay, fine. I can stay for a few drinks. I have to be up early in the morning for some more interviews."

Rhea smiled, "Good, I'll drive since we're at the same hotel."

You thought it was a little weird she knew that, but you pushed your thoughts away. A part of you wanted to give her a chance, but you were still put off with the fact that she knew that the two of you were at the same hotel. You made a mental note to ask her how she knew that later.

"I have two more interviews and then I'll be off. I can just meet you there if you want to give me the address?" you suggested, but Rhea shook her head.

"No, no. I can drive us there, it's really no problem at all." Rhea pushed and you found yourself giving up once more. "I'll wait for you until you're off and we can head to the bar right after."

You put your phone back into the locker, heading out of the locker room and to your next interview.

All throughout it, you couldn't help but think about Rhea. Why was she so interested in you suddenly? The two of you hadn't talked in years and now she wanted to talk to you? All these questions ran through your mind, but you needed to focus on what Liv was saying. After her interview, Rhea walked down to the hall, making her way to you. Glaring at Liv as she passed her but smiling at you when her gaze left Liv and met yours.

"Who's your last interview?" Rhea asked as you turned your computer off.

"Charlotte. It's in five minutes so I won't be too long." You answered.

"Good. I don't want you interviewing her anymore after this." Rhea laughed, playing it off as if she were joking.

You gave her an odd look, "Excuse me? Whether or not your joking, you're not my boss and I'll interview whoever my actual bosses tell me to." You snapped.

Rhea gave you a menacing smile, "I'm only joking, calm down."

You bit your lip, holding back what you really wanted to say. You knew how Rhea was, so why were you making a big deal out of things? You tried to push the thoughts away, but you began to overthink. If Rhea said she was joking, then you should believe her.

"I'm-" you began to apologize, but Charlotte cut you off. You hadn't noticed her where she was standing, and you really hope she didn't hear anything that Rhea and you were talking about.

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