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"Rhea, please just listen to me," you pleaded as she rushed towards you. You brought your hands up to your face to protect yourself, but Rhea hit you hard in your stomach, causing you to fall to the floor. "Please!"

"Shut the fuck up, whore." Rhea snapped, stomping on the hand that you had set down to try and help yourself up. You cried out, tears running down your face as Rhea laughed at you. "You think you're in a position to get me to listen to you? Tell me, does Liv fuck you better than me?"

You shook your head frantically, "I didn't do anything with Liv. I wouldn't do that to you, Mommy."

You hoped she would believe you, but the way she glared at you, you had clearly made her angry. Rhea leaned down, grabbing you by the neck, you flinched when she spat in your face. "I don't believe you. You ran from me just for Liv to come pick you up and drop you off at a hotel? Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No- No, I'm telling the truth, please believe me, please," you cried, trying to pry her hand off your throat - but her grip was too strong.

"How can I believe you? How? You hurt me, (Your Name), making up lies about me and Dom-Dom, running off and getting Liv to pick you up. How can I believe all she did was pick you up and drop you off?"

You took a deep breath once she pulled her hand away, rubbing your throat, you swallowed. "I love you," you whispered, and Rhea turned her back towards you so you couldn't see the sinister grin that had formed on her face. She had you exactly where she wanted you now - you were never going anywhere.

"You've hurt me so much. Do you really love me?" Rhea questioned, faux sadness laced in her voice, but you were panicking too much to really notice.

"I do, please, please believe that I would never, ever cheat on you," you sobbed, head in your hands. You couldn't understand why you were crying so much or why you told her you loved her. You felt it was true - as much as you didn't want it to be, it was.

You flinched when Rhea sat on the floor next to you, rubbing your back. "I have an idea of how you can make it up to me and show me that you really love me," she sighed, smiling softly as you lifted your head to look at her.

"H-How?" you asked, and Rhea bit her lip.

"Let me fuck you. Show me how much you love me," Rhea said, moving her arm from your back to place it on your thigh, "Come on, you let Liv touch you, you owe me this."

"I-" you began, unsure if you wanted to continue to fight her on this. You knew the truth - even if she didn't want to believe you. "Okay, Mommy."

"Good girl. Get undressed and lay on the bed, I'm going to grab a few things from the bathroom and when I come back, you better be naked and bent over the bed. Do you understand? You've hurt me so much, don't think I won't hurt you real bad."

You didn't respond, only getting up from your spot on the floor to do what she told you to. Pulling your shirt off you and folding it, you placed it on the hotel room desk. Repeating this process with your other clothes, you sighed as you bent over the bed. Biting your lip as you waited for Rhea to come out of the bathroom - you hated that she was taking her time with whatever she was doing. All you wanted was for her to come out and get everything over with. You were afraid that she was going to hurt you badly again, and you wanted it to be over as quickly as possible.

"You better have done what I asked; I'm almost done," she called out, causing you to jump. You weren't sure as to why that scared you - you had done what she asked, but you were afraid she was going to be angrier than she already was with you.

Finally, after fifteen minutes of waiting for Rhea to finish whatever she was doing, she walked out of the bathroom. To your surprise, she was still dressed. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath, waiting for whatever she was going to do to you.

"I think I like you like this, all obedient and ready for Mommy to use you in any way she wants to. Tell me, are you going to be my good little puppy? Are you going to be a good puppy for Mommy?" she asked as she got behind you. You didn't answer, trying your best to think of anything but the moment. You hated that she was taking her time, wanting to drag everything out with you.

You cried out as she brought her hand down hard against your ass, not once, not twice, but three times, before speaking up again. "I believed I asked you a question: Are you going to be a good puppy for Mommy?"

"Yes- Yes, I'm going to be a good puppy for you, Mommy. I promise!" you cried out. You let out a sigh of relief when you heard her unzip her pants. You turned to look at what Rhea was doing, biting your lip nervously as you watched her pull the strapon out from her pants. She wasn't bothering to take her clothes off so you assumed she was going to not waste anymore time with things.

"Oh baby, you're so wet, but it's a shame that you let Livvy fuck your cunt. Since you want to let anyone who pitties you fuck it, I guess I'll only be fucking your ass from now on," Rhea sighed, lining the tip of the toy up to your entrance.

"P-Please, Rh-Mommy, please don't fuck my ass. I didn't let Liv fuck me, I swear! Plea-" you cried out, but was cut off by Rhea sliding all the way into your pussy.

"Aw, did Mommy have you panicking there for a few seconds? Cute, she said, fucking you at a rough pace. You clenched your eyes shut, trying your best to think of anything but Rhea.

Rhea brought her right hand to your ass, rubbing your entrance with two of her fingers. "You act like you're not enjoying any of this, Princess, but you're making such a mess." You hid your face in your hands in embarrassment.

She grabbed you by your hair, pulling you up so your back was against her clothed chest. "Tell me you love me, baby," she whispered, bringing her free hand up to your neck, "C'mon, fuckin' tell me."

"I love you," you whimpered, bringing your hand to the hand that was on your neck. Rhea was keeping you in place as she fucked you harder.

"Good girl," she praised, which made you sick to your stomach. You felt yourself getting closer to an orgasm - trying your best to pull away from her, you whimpered as she pushed you back down on the bed. "Don't run away from me, you're going to come."

Rhea spat on her free hand, bringing it back to your asshole, she pushed a finger into you. You came with a cry as Rhea continued to fuck you. Eventually, she pulled out of you, this time pulling her pants down before taking the strapon off. "I think it's time you use that pretty mouth of yours, don't you?"

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