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Isabel vaguely remembered voices whispering about her while she was out. She dreamed of course as well, her dreams had always been interesting, plus they were mainly nightmares. Her dream had consisted of one of those siblings, the guy, the older one. He simply told her 'I'm waiting for you' and then he left. Odd.

The boy had brown curly hair on top of his head, it was short too. He wore a uniform-like outfit in a teal color. He had pale skin and a few freckles. He was well over 6'0 and way older than her too. His eyes were a brown color that matched the shade of his hair. His hair was slightly red, as if it had once been vibrant but dulled out. His smile sent an uncomfortable chill up her spine, as it had once been welcomed to her, but now it was anything but that.

When she awoke she was in a hospital-like room. With her crooked glasses that were scratched she could make out the bold words on the door; INFIRMARY
She decided to take in her surroundings, there were a few other kids on infirmary beds, it was early in the morning judging by the sun's angle, yet one medic was already up, helping. Her wounds had healed and her head felt clearer. There was a glass of water on the side, so she took a drink. Even though normally Isabel wouldn't have drank a glass of water just like that, she was so dehydrated that she chugged the whole thing. The medic that was helping walked over to her.

He had golden blond hair that was shaggy and curly. His eyes were bright blue and a smile was plastered on his face. Yet his smile looked real and genuine, his happiness seemed to radiate all around the room. He wore a scrub shirt, standard for a medic. What was NOT standard for a medic were his jeans and flip flops. He had a perfect tan that made Isabel think he was immune to sunburn. He looked like he would be one of those lifeguards all the 9 year old girl's would be crushing over. Isabel was lesbian though. Overall the boy looked like a human golden retriever.

"Good! You're awake." He said. She just blinked. "Here, take this canteen of water with you, do you feel healed? Can you leave now?" He asked, but not in an obnoxious way. He seemed kind. "Uhm…. yea I feel fine." Isabel said awkwardly. "Great! W'ell get you all checked out and-"
"I'll go ahead and sign off the papers right now!"
"Hey, can I get your signature?"
"Eh nevermind it's fine we don't need it"
"Hold u-"
"Anyways, glad you're all healed, nice to meet you!"
"I don't eve-"
"Bye bye!"

She stood outside the doorway of the infirmary. That was… odd, to say the least. Where on earth was she? It was clearly a summer camp, but she had definitely not signed up for any summer camps. There were a bunch of cabins, each decorated in some special way. She counted 14 from her current viewpoint. She guessed there were at least 20. Then the weirdest thing happened. A man walked up to her. But the weird part was that the man had a horse's lower part. "A centaur…" Isabel gasped. "Very well, I see you've studied your Greek Mythology well, I'm Chiron, the head activities director, welcome to Camp Half-Blood!" The horse-man-centaur-guy said. "There must be a mistake, I didn't sign up for any summer camps… I… you must have the wrong person! Maybe you were looking for an Isabella? I get that one a lot. Oh or maybe Elizebeth?" Isabel was talking fast, as she often did. "No no, I assure you that you are the right person. You, young child, are a demigod." Chiron said.
"A semi-what?"
"A demigod."
"What the heck is that?!"
Chiron didn't seem fazed by this at all, as if he had done this conversation time and time again. "A demigod is the child of a mortal and a Greek god, one of your parents is a god." Chiron said.
"GOD IS MY DAD?!" Isabel said. "Ah, no, a very common mistake, one of the gods, plural. You've learned of the Greek gods, yes?" Chiron asked. "Uhm yea. But aren't those just myths?" Isabel was so confused. "Well, aren't centaurs myths?"
"Fair point." Isabel paused for a long moment. "So you're saying that my dad is one of the Greek gods? Like the gods from my textbooks?" Isabel asked. Chiron nodded. "Yes. Well… technically your dad could be a goddess as well, we've had that happen before. That was an…. Ah, interesting day…" Chiron explained to her. "There are 20 cabins in the camp currently, of course we plan to build more. We have cabins for the twelve olympians as well as Hades, Iris, Hypnos, Nemesis, Nike, Hebe, Tyche, and Hecate. One of those is where you'll stay once your godly parent claims you. For now, you'll stay in the Hermes cabin, though it shouldn't be long before you're claimed." Chiron said. "For now, you'd best head to the dinning hall." He then escorted her to the dinning hall.

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