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Isabel was done. She was done with this camp. She couldn't forget what that guy had told her, Will.

Well, he hadn't told her, he had told that Nico kid. But she had been in the woods nearby, and she overheard. He had called her annoying, and Nico had agreed.

I mean, she knew she was a pain to be around. But she hadn't even been here for a week, and she already had three enemies, and zero friends. She wasn't really good with friends, she had never had one. Maybe it was because she was lesbian? Maybe because she was just a pain to be with in general? She had never really known the reason why, but she did know that in thirteen years of living, she was yet to meet someone that genuinely cared and wanted to be her friend.

Or girlfriend.

But that was different. I mean, Isabel did have a crush, but her crush loved to pretend she didn't know who Isabel was when someone else decided to be within a mile of them. So the only good moments they shared were alone. Meaning, there was no way that she would be willing to date her.

But Isabel had a feeling she wouldn't be seeing Makinley for a while, if ever. She didn't know if she could even possibly fall for someone else though.

The point was, this camp wasn't for her. She didn't care if her dad was some god. She had lived her whole life thinking he was dead, thinking that she was an orphan.

But no, her dad was alive and well, he just didn't want to help her, he just watched from some god throne or something thinking; 'Oh hey look! It's my kid, and she's living a miserable life! Well I could help her, but that would defeat the whole point of her not knowing I even exist, so let's not!'

What an awesome father. Well, at least Isabel didn't have to meet with him, she didn't know if she could do that without losing it. She could barely think of him without losing it. But whatever, if her father wanted to be like that then he could. Besides, he was taking an awful long time to claim her.

Not that she cared which god her father was, she just wanted to get out of the Hermes cabin. Unless Hermes was her dad, but that would be a real cruel joke. In that case, she would maybe try and get adopted by one of the gods, maybe Hepestus would take her.

Probably not.

She was fairly sure that her dad wasn't Apollo, because if so, the archery match would've been a great time to claim her. Plus, she had a feeling Will and Kayla would not be very welcoming if Apollo was her dad. Honestly she didn't blame them, neither would she if she was in their place.

What did it matter? Either way, she would just suffer. She had learned that much, and no thanks to her dad. In fact, she had nothing she could thank her dad for. Maybe he forgot she existed, or maybe he had daddy issues, so he thought neglection was the proper way to raise a kid. Though, either way it wasn't much of an excuse in Isabel's mind.

She sighed.

Isabel should be in the Hermes cabin, since it was the middle of the night, but she had set up a makeshift campground, using some of the tricks she had learned from the classes at camp.

By campground, Isabel meant she had tied a tarp above her to some trees and put another one on the floor. And tying the knots took about an hour. Plus a few splinters that she plucked out and were now bleeding a bit. And yet, somehow this was way better than the Hermes cabin. That said something.

A bunch of the Hermes kids came stolling to her campground. She rolled her eyes and scoffed, not in the mood to deal with them, it seemed they only got more and more annoying as time went on. "Hey, loner kid, you're supposed to be in the cabin, it's after curfew." One of the Hermes kids said. She eyes them as if to tell them to go away. Since they didn't she yelled at them. "GO AWAY," She screeched. "And why should we?"
"Go away, or I'll make you!"

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