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Will couldn't help but think, Kazoo was the worst helper ever. His finger still stung from the bite the stupid creature had given him. He knew it was normal for Cora to have the ugly rat on her shoulder, but that didn't mean he liked it.

Will sighed. Kazoo the rat would have to wait. There were bigger problems right now. Right now the infirmary was in overload, there were kids coming left and right. And the bigger problem? All of the healer's except Will and Cora (Who was merely a volunteer now and then, and she had that stupid rat) were suffering from a severe case of hay fever. Which meant along with treating everyone, Will was only the only full time healer doing so. It got so bad sometimes they couldn't even treat everyone because they ran out of space.

Now, Will loved being able to help and use his gifts. Will was also suffering from plague, the plague of horrible nightmares. Every night was worse than the last. Though the other night when Nico had been with him, he had to admit, the nightmares were definitely more toned down, like a PG version. But Will couldn't worry about that right now, he had work, he had his duty.

Oh and not to mention Kayla. Gods. Will hated that stupid girl, Isabel not Kayla. Isabel just walked into camo and decided to cause a bunch of trouble for Will. Sometimes he wondered if she was targeting him on purpose.

The point was, Kayla had been… not her best since the archery match with Isabel. And as the cabin counselor, head medic, and her older half-brother, Will felt compelled to help her. Right after losing she had a massive freak out, which led to a one for the cabin inspection after. She stopped wearing her quiver. She stopped archery even. Will knew that she had always wanted to impress their father, Apollo, and at one point in time, Micheal Yew and Lee Fletcher. But well… The Battle of Manhattan had taken a few of the Apollo kids, if a few meant all but three. But Will knew that after losing the archery match with that Isabel girl, Kayla felt she had failed.

Will wanted to help, he really did, but he had a lot going on right now, a lot. He was suffering from nightmares he didn't understand and panic attacks every day. Plus this whole thing with the infirmary, it was all too much for him. He sat down and placed his hands over his face. He took a shaky breath.

"WILL, WE NEED YOU!" Cora called in a panicked voice. Will had heard those very words one too many times. He got up and ran over, his hands starting to shake more rapidly. He couldn't work like this, but he had to. He hated how he didn't have a choice.

One of their sick medics had thrown up and was currently rapidly twitching. His heartbeat had sped up to the max. This did not sound like a symptom of Hay Fever to Will, but he still had to treat it. Will could feel his own heart thumping in his chest, fast. He tried to concentrate but he couldn't. He reminded himself it had been worse, he had seen patients die before, compared to that, this was minor.

But that didn't stop Will's anxiety. He glanced over at Cora and focused on her features to distract himself. Her straight blonde hair flowed a bit below her shoulders. Her pale but not too pale skin had that faint glow. Kazoo was perched on her shoulder like he always was. She wore the proper scrub attire with adidas sneakers, unlike Will, who was still in his scrub shirt and jeans, with the same flip flops. Which was a bad idea, seeing as the outfit now smelled like it had been worn for a whole week, which it had. Cora's green eyes flickered with a bit of anxiety. She was fourteen, but at heart she was still a kid.

Will refocused himself. He knelt beside the panicked patient. "Cora, hold him still." Will said calmly, even if his tone was a lie. Cora didn't hesitate and did so. Will could've sworn he heard Kazoo rapping 'Steal my girl' by One Direction in rat, but it might've been delusion. While Cora held the medic/patient still Will sang a hymn in ancient Greek, to his father Apollo. Over the years Will had gotten more skilled with not exhausting himself from the healing, but it still took a bit out of him. Three years ago, that very action would've brought him close to passing out.

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