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Cora had a crush. She had never had one before but she had one now. Connor Stoll. Why? Because gods he was fine. His curly and fluffy brown hair especially. It was just something about him. Something that set him apart from everyone else Cora had meant. It wasn't the hair though his hair was pretty fluffy and fine.

She wasn't sure what it was.

But here she was ranting about the head counselor of the Hermes cabin to Angelica. Cora didn't have many friends. And she definitely felt like the outcast in her cabin. But she had a few friends. Angelica was one of them. She had been the one to show Cora the joy of reading, so they mainly talked about books and such.

She could tell Angelica didn't really understand why she liked Connor, because she was staring at her like she did when Cora would tell her she needed to get an emotional support rat.

Which Cora still did not see one.

But she ignored it and ranted about Connor. She honestly didn't talk to Angelica outside of meals. They were both relatively new and figuring out their powers.

Angelica was progressing faster.

That made Cora jealous, but she felt that feeling a lot so it was nothing special.

Cora didn't know if she even had any powers. If she did she didn't want to use them much. She didn't care much for her father because why should she? He had never cared for her or been there so why should she do that for him?

The answer?

She shouldn't.

If anyone asked Cora would tell them she didn't give a rock about her father. No, she wouldn't say a more offensive word that started with an f.

She said rock. Always. Connor had laughed when she told him that. Cora remembered her heart fluttering when that had happend. Connor honestly looked kinda cute when he laughed.

She was a talented-ish healer though. Other's told her how she had a bunch of talent, but Cora didn't see it that way. It was most likely because Will was a healer as well. She would never admit it to his face, but she deeply envied him. He was everything Cora wasn't.

He had a lover and was happy. He had powers and talent and was praised. He had friends that never dared say a single insult to him. He had the title of head counselor. He was pretty. (In a non romantic view on Cora's part.) He knew who he was and wasn't afraid to be that person. He was popular. He was dad's favorite.

He was perfect.

Cora was far from that.

Everyone simply knew Cora as the weird rat girl. But they didn't know she was more than that. Piper knew that, Connor knew that, maybe Angelica kinda knew it. But that was about it. They also didn't know that Kazoo was a gift from Apollo. He was the only sign Cora had received that her father even knew she existed.

Piper had always told her that was a fake story. She insisted that no proper god would give a rat as a gift. She said things like that to Cora a lot. Not to other people, but to Cora? All the time. Her favorite hobby was called; Tell Cora the one trillion things wrong with her music skills.

She didn't share her music much. Maybe one day she would be with Connor. She did with Piper, but Piper didn't make it easier to do such with other people. Cora sometimes wished she was invisible. But a lot of times she wished the opposite.

That was one thing she liked about Connor. He treated her like a normal valid person. He never ignored her, and always had something to share with her. Once he had seen Cora in the morning after Cora had sobbed herself to sleep. Connor had hugged her and asked her what's wrong. Usually people didn't do that. Usually they ignored Cora until she was okay again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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