The Freeze

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Tango thought it would be fine staying out a little later than normal, working on decked out in the tundra. Tango genuinely thought it was going to be fine; he had his thick jackets and everything. However, he didn't seem to have realized that his jacket had gotten wet, making it very susceptible to the cold. If he had noticed this, then he wouldn't have been in the situation he was in. Tango had fallen into a hole he was using in decked out, and snow had started to fall, covering the hole and making it incredibly cold for the blaze-born. I tried to keep himself warm with his own body heat but he couldn't. The fire even if it was soulfire started to dwindle making his hands incredibly cold and start to turn purple. He used his tail to keep him warm wrapping it up around him as curled up into a ball. ' God this was a bad idea....' he thought to himself as he noticed how wet his clothes actually started to become. ' I'm going to die of hypothermia....' he thinks to himself.  he had tried to keep the snow off of him but that didn't seem to matter as the hole started to fill with snow. He didn't know how long he was down there nor did he know how long it would take for a blaze born to die of hypothermia. He started to get really really warm and it was tempted to take off his jacket but remembered that he needs to keep his clothes on and tundra like conditions no matter how warm he had gotten. With shaky hands and a not so clear conscience he texted the admin on his communicator. He didn't say much in fact he only sent a '.' before curling up tighter and trying to keep himself warm.

Elsewhere in the world, the admin had received the message from Tango and was a bit confused until he talked to Impulse. 'Hey Impulse, have you guys seen Tango recently? I know he was working on Decked Out,' Xisuma asks, very concerned, grabbing Impulse's attention. 'He's still working on Decked Out?' Impulse asked, very shocked and very, very worried, as he fiddled with his shirt. 'As far as I know, yeah,' the admin says, kind of crossing his arms, a bit confused by what would be a problem. He knew very little about Netherborn people, so unfortunately for him, he wasn't blessed with the knowledge that Impulse or Zed had. 'Xisuma, it's nighttime in the tundra,' Impulse deadpans, but it didn't seem to come across to the Void Walker why that would be a problem. Impulse crossed his arms and looked very impatient now. 'Why do you ask?' 'Because he sent me a period. I tried to ask him what that meant or if it was a misclick, but he didn't reply back yet,' that made Impulse incredibly concerned, and he ran off to the tundra, grabbing Zed on the way. A few other Hermits came along besides just the admin, curious about what was going on.

Impulse started screaming Tango's name once they got closer to Decked Out. Zed, as well, their concern is very prominent as they continue to dig and look for their blaze-born friend. The other Hermits were very confused until they realized something: a Blaze is more sensitive to the cold in the tundra at night, where it's even colder. They all started helping and looking.

It wasn't until Grian hyper-fixated on an area that looked half-done that they actually found half-frozen Tango. He was passed out, and his lips were starting to turn blue. 'ZED! IMPULSE!' Grian shouted, getting everyone's attention as they ran over. They had thick, warm blankets and everything to try and warm up the Blaze-born again, but when they saw him, they were very concerned

'Is he even breathing?' Zed asks, very concerned, walking over and checking. 'He is, but it's very weak, and he's very, very cold,' Grian says, puffing up his wings to keep himself warm as he had just dug through the pounds of snow to get to the Blaze. They finished pulling him out and wrapped him up almost immediately in blankets before transporting him to the flower meadow where Zed and Impulse lived. Zed was quick to remove Tango of the soaking wet clothes and change him into something a bit warmer and drier. Once that was done, all they could really do is wait for him to warm up; they didn't want to do anything that would put his body into shock. Zed couldn't help but pace around, looking very anxious.

Impulse tried to calm him down, saying that he was fine and would warm up, but even he didn't believe his own words. Doc and Stress eventually came to check on him after a few hours, just to make sure he was still alive and warming up, and luckily, they were. Fortunately for them as well, the frostbite didn't set in and was easily remedied, so he didn't lose anything.

However, that didn't help Zed or ease any anxiety the poor sheep hybrid had. As he continued to pace around, he kept mumbling things along the lines of 'Why didn't he stop? He needs the sun was going down soon' or 'We should have gone to check on him sooner... What if he doesn't make it?' There was a whine in his voice as he continued to talk and pace. He was trembling but refused to sit down, as he didn't know what to do. Normally he knew what to do in science, but he didn't think of his friends as a science experiment, and he didn't want to warm up Tango too quickly and get him sick or hurt or worse, killed. Impulse ended up walking in between the sheep hybrid and his pack that he was boring into the floor. 'Zed,' he says firmly but sweetly as he wrapped his arms around him. 'Tango will be okay,' he says, although his words are hollow, and he doesn't even believe them. He was anxious as well but tried to remain calm. 'You don't know that for certain, you don't even believe your own words, I hear it!' Zed says honestly before wrapping his arms around Impulse with a little whimper. He ended up crying just holding onto Impulse. 'I want him to be okay...'

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