Wake up Tango

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Zedaph's pov:

I was walking around for hours back and forth in front of tango's door It's been a week of him being asleep. Cub had started to do heat therapy so hopefully he would wake up. We even took him to the nether and left him there. He still hasn't woken up yet. I was thinking about ways to wake him up. Impy is worried too but he said he had to go back to work so that just left me. I was thinking about how to warm him up and waking him up as I was waking I was writing on my clipboard. I put my experiments on hold for now.

The next turn I made I bumped into something fuzzy and green. I jumped back thinking it was a creeper about to explode..... well it was a creeper he was taller than a normal creeper with robot parts " oh my goodness doc you scared me!" I complained a bit then looked at my clipboard. I forgot what I was writing about.... It all doesn't make sense anymore. " What can I help you with?" I asked looking at the creeper hybrid. " Are you okay Zedaph? When is the last time you got rest or even ate?" He asked as ren came out from behind him and gave me a wave " hi ren" I said to him then looked at tango's door " he hasn't woken up yet.... I'll sleep when I know he is okay..." " That's not healthy Zedaph " another voice came from behind me. Making me jump and move away from tango's door. Looking to see whose voice that was I see Xisuma" how long have you all been here??!?" I asked in a panic " and how many people are there?" I looked around for any more hermits there was Xisuma Ren Doc and keralis. " Trust us we are all just as worried about him but not taking care of yourself and paceing outside his bedroom wouldn't do anything good for you sweet face" keralis said

" Puls..... You're wearing your tracks into the floor of the carpet and wood. " Ren says pointing out making me look down and shift my hooves.  I didn't realize how much I was actually pacing. My legs were shaky now that I wasn't moving. I leaned against the bedroom door. Before sliding down and actually sitting down. Xisuma and keralis sat down next to me Xisuma put his arm around my shoulders pulling me into a hug. " I just miss him...."

We had put most of his room in the nether besides the bed so he's sleeping on the floor so in reality I really couldn't tell when he got back unless the portal noises. " I just want to know why he hasn't come back to us yet....." I mumbled I didn't fully realize that I had started crying until my voice was genuinely sounding a bit raw. Ren and Doc also sat down next to me on the other side. " Will he even wake up?" I asked no one in particular they didn't seem to have an answer for me anyways. my clipboard was moved away from me and I was pulled into a full hug by all four of them and that broke me I started sobbing. I don't know when I pass out but when I woke up I was in tango's room wrapped up in his blankets. Impy was with me holding me close and rubbing my back so I knew he was awake.

" Impy?" I mumbled a little bit as I sat up rubbing my eyes. Or well I tried to sit up impulse pulled me back down and cuddled with me. He was also wrapped up in one of tango's blankets I couldn't help but smile a little bit." Go back to sleep Zedaph, " he mumbled tiredly like he was on his way to dream Land as well which I couldn't blame him. My legs were sore from pacing back and forth for hours so I didn't complain about cuddles. I checked the time and it happened to be midnight which surprised me I didn't think I slept that long. As I started to drift back to sleep could have sworn I heard a portal noise. Then footsteps. But when I went to look around to even half asleep in dazed I didn't see anyone.

The warmth from tango's room soon overtook me and I was sound asleep next to impulse holding on to his shirt tightly. There was one thought on my mind as I drifted off to sleep" please please don't let him die bring him back to us. " I mumbled before completely passing out

In the morning I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs and something greasy and fried. I sleepy took the blanket I was wrapped up in and started making my way down to the kitchen stumbling a little bit in my own grooves that I made even with the sore legs I slowly made my way down to the kitchen. I can't remember when the last time I ate was. I thought it was impulse cooking so I went over to him and hugged him but a low chuckle made me very confused and I pulled away looking at who was cooking. Fiery orange hair and a fiery whip like tail with a bit of fluff on the end of it. His bright red eyes almost caught me off guard I think my brain stopped functioning entirely because I fainted.

When I came to again impulse was in front of me holding me close and making me very confused on what was going on. " Impy?" " Hey are you okay you didn't hit your head on the way down did you tango said you didn't but I still have to make sure" my head was moved around a little bit and honestly I almost didn't catch the name he said before immediately shooting away from him and standing up" tango? Where's tango!?" " Whoa whoa whoa you shouldn't be standing up that fast!" Impy says trying to get me to sit down again but I refuse looking around for tango and as soon as I saw his hair I ran over and hugged him practically tackling him to the floor. " Whoa! Why hello to you too good morning Zedaph" tango says sounding a bit sick still but at least he was awake. I just ended up cuddling into him and when impulse tried to check my head again I refused to even look at him. " Thank God you're okay. " I mumbled a little bit. Impulse ended up explaining to tango what I was up to while he was asleep for almost a week or so. He was going to say something but eventually just wrapped his arms around me and held me close I don't remember when I passed out again but I knew he was safe and the relief just washed over me.

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