Chapter three

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After what had been such an interesting night back at the boardwalk, it had me unable to sleep as I laid there staring out my open window

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After what had been such an interesting night back at the boardwalk, it had me unable to sleep as I laid there staring out my open window. A cool breeze pushed past the silk purple see through drapes.

I couldn't get Dwayne off my mind. His face was permanently imprinted in my head. Everytime I closed my eyes I saw his brown ones.

And like that, I was lulled to sleep from the comfort of his captivating features. By time I woke up to the birds chirping, the brisk mornings air fuming through my nose and the sun beamed into the room.

Strangly enough the silk curtains were pushed all the way open. Standing up I investigated it. Last night I figured it would be safe to leave my window open as no one could just scale the side on the house up to the second floor. So I shrugged it off a shut my window, leaving the curtains as the were.

It was about 8:00am and the only ones who were wide awake already at the table was me, Lucy and  grandpa Emerson.

"So mom, did you find a job?" I asked, stabbing a fork into my bland eggs.

She nodded wearing a bright smile as she took a sip of her coffee. "I did! At the movie store with Max."

I only nodded in reply just happy that she was happy even if she and Max flirted with each other.

"Oh! And I already have a date with him."

I choked on my eggs at her statement and it was as perfect timing as well when Sam walked  to here that.



Later on in the day we went off to the boardwalk, I went with Micheal on the back of his bike while Sam in moms car. Once we got there Micheal immediately took off without a word which was odd and he didnt even get overprotective when it came to me wearing another tank and a skort.
He Left me to watch over Sam.

"Does something seem weird with Micheal?" Sam asked as we walked down the boardwalk.

I nodded. "Like he's suddenly to cool for us?"

Sam laughed. "Yeah. After meeting that girl yesterday."

I made an "oh" jester thinking back to that girl with the long brown curls hanging tightly onto David before they went off.

We continued on in silence and soon I was following Sam into the comic book store he was telling me about before how he met these two weirdos called the Frog brothers.

I hovered by his side awkwardly as he looked through the comics and suspiciously looked at his surroundings then walked slowly across the store when we were approached by two odd boys who I assumed to be the said 'weirdos' sam was referring to.

The one with a red bandanna around his forehead spoke firmly and serious in a deep cold voice.

"Notice anything... unusual about Santa Carla yet?"

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