Chapter 8: Showdown between Rivals

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" Meowth, use Fury Swipes!" called out Efren. Meowth charged at Jigglypuff and began slashing its claws. "Become one with the wind!" called out Anna. Jigglypuff inflated itself to make it look like a big balloon and was taken backward by the wind, which resulted in all of Meowth's attacks missing. "Now use Hyper Voice!" called out Anna. Jigglypuff opened its mouth and let out a very loud cry that made even the crowd have to cover their ears. Meowth has super good hearing so the attack did a lot of damage to it. "Now, use Play Rough!" called out Anna. Jigglypuff charged at Meowth and began violently beating it up with punches and kicks. "Counter with Metal Claw!" called out Efren. Meowth's claws turned to metal, and then it slashed Jigglypuff. Since it was a steel-type move, it was super effective against a Fairy Type like Jigglypuff.

"Efren's Meowth sure is tough. Every other opponent I used that combination on would faint right after. I guess I can see why even Travis struggles against him. Even though he may look all sweet and harmless, underneath all of that is a very powerful opponent. I refuse to let him win, not after I've made it this far to prove myself to Travis. Ever since this whole tournament has started, those two have been staring at each other as if they're in love with each other. I'm not going to lose to Efren at all! Not in winning Travis's heart or in winning this battle!" thought Anna.

"Meowth, use Pay Day!" called out Efren. Meowth started throwing multiple coins at Jigglypuff. "Counter with Hyper Voice!" called out Anna. Jigglypuff once again let out a very loud cry. "Now use Play Rough! At Full Power!" called Anna, beginning to feel anxious. Jigglypuff once again started giving Meowth another beating. "Counter with Fury Swipes!" called out Efren. "Ride with the wind!" called out Anna as Jigglypuff inflated itself and dodged all of Meowth's slashes.

I was amazed watching them battle. Both of them were giving it their all out there as if both of them were fighting for more than just to win that Oshawott. What amazed me even more was that for the first time ever, Efren wasn't smiling. His face was serious as if he was being pushed further than he had ever been pushed before. "I need to do something about the way Jigglypuff dodges; it's too fast when it drifts with the wind," thought Efren. He analyzed Jigglypuff's float pattern, and it was then when he knew what to do. "Meowth, use Icy Wind!" called out Efren. Meowth shot a very cold wind from its mouth that froze Jigglypuff's feet. The ice was so heavy that Jigglypuff was no longer able to float. "Perfect, now use Metal Claw!" called out Efren. He knew once this attack landed, the battle would for sure be his.

Anna then gave Efren a very unpleasant smile, which even caught Efren off guard. "Jigglypuff, use Sing!" she called out. Jigglypuff started singing, and then within moments, Meowth fell asleep. "Wake up Meowth!" called Efren, but Meowth was fast asleep. "Finish it off with Pound!" called out Anna. Jigglypuff walked up to Meowth and then with a powerful swing from its foot, sent it flying off the battlefield. "Meowth is unable to battle, Jigglypuff wins! The victory goes to Anna!" called out the Ref. "Yes! We did it!" cheered Anna. She then turned to look at me. "Travis, I hope you were watching me. Now I get to finally have my rematch against you," thought Anna.

Meowth had been knocked pretty far away from the field, so I went with Efren to go and find it. Efren remained silent the whole time until eventually they found Meowth still sound asleep. Efren picked it up and held it in his arms before returning it to its Pokeball. "Ef, are you okay?" I asked. "Not really. I really wanted that Oshawott. I guess I'll have to hope I run into one in the wild," he said. "You came in 3rd place! Which means you're guaranteed one of those Unova Pokemon. If we're lucky, Anna will choose one of the other starters," I said trying to encourage him. "We'll see. We should head back though. Your match begins in 10 minutes," said Efren as he walked away.

I reached for the Pokeballs and let out all of my Pokemon. "Alright guys, this is our chance to show the world that their future champion has arrived! You've done great so far in this tournament! Let's keep up the good work and win this!" I said encouragingly. All three of them cheered in agreement.

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