Chapter 15: Unexpected Growth

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There were only two days left until the tournament, and Adam and I spent most of our free time training. When we finished our morning training session, I went into the Pokémon Center where I saw someone familiar standing at the front desk. "Hey, Anna!" I called out as I ran over to her. She turned around and smiled at the sight of me.

"Travis! It's so good to see you again! Can't believe it's been nearly a month since we last saw each other," said Anna.

"How's your journey going so far?" I asked.

Anna pulled out her badge case, which revealed seven badges. "When I'm done with the tournament, I plan on going straight to Viridian City afterwards. What about you?" she asked.

I pulled out my badge case, which revealed the four badges I've earned. "I spend a lot of extra time training since I feel like I'm so far behind everyone," I said.

"There's no rush. The Pokémon League is still like three months away, so there's plenty of time for you to get the remaining four badges. Speaking of which, I saw that this tournament was a tag battle tournament. Wanna team up?" she asked.

"Oh, umm, about that... I already have a tag partner," I said while rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh? And who might that be? Let me guess, you have some other random person traveling with you now?" she asked.

She then saw Adam enter the Pokémon Center and quickly charged at him. Adam didn't notice Anna at first, but by the time he did, it was too late, and he was knocked to the ground by her.

"What are you doing here?! You have some nerve showing your face around here after what you did back in Vermillion City!" shouted Anna.

I quickly ran over to where they were and stood in front of Adam. "Anna, stop it! Adam's my tag partner for the tournament!" I said quickly.

"What?!" she said, shocked. Afterwards, we went down to the cafeteria, and I explained everything that happened after she left Vermillion City.

"So you're changing your ways now, huh? Well, I'm not buying it just yet. I'll be keeping my eye on you," said Anna as she took a sip from her drink.

"Nobody's asking you, princess," said Adam, annoyed.

"Princess?! You better take that back!" snapped Anna as she stood up.

"Or else what, Princess?" teased Adam.

"I challenge you to a battle," said Anna.

"Hmm, I accept," said Adam as the two of them got up and walked off to the battlefield outside. I sat there for a while, confused about what just happened, and then I realized they were gone. I quickly got up and followed after them.

I decided to be the ref for the battle. The battle was to be a three-on-three match, and the best two out of three wins.

"For my first Pokémon, I'll choose Wigglytuff!" said Anna as it emerged from its Pokéball.

Adam smiled and then called out his Muk. When Anna saw Muk, she grew furious.

"You have some nerve using that Pokémon! Quick, Wigglytuff, use Hyper Voice!" called out Anna.

Wigglytuff sent powerful sound waves from its mouth directly at Muk.

"Muk, use Poison Gas attack now!" called out Adam.

Muk created a smokescreen of gas that fogged up the whole field. Wigglytuff struggled to see Muk in the poisonous fog.

"Use Poison Jab at full power!" called out Adam.

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