Chapter 21: Saffron City Gym

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The next morning, I woke up bright and early to prepare for my gym match. Efren woke up too, so he could come and cheer me on. I made sure all of my Pokémon were fed and well-rested, and then we set off to the gym. When we arrived at the gym, there was a battlefield, but further up from the battlefield was a staircase that led to a comfortable-looking chair where a beautiful young woman with dark green hair sat.

"So, I see I have two challengers already. This should be fun," said the gym leader. She then took a closer look at me, and her eyes widened a bit. "You! I remember watching you on television during the tag battle tournament. You were very impressive. If it weren't for your injuries, you probably would have won the entire thing," she said.

"Thank you. My name's Travis, and this is Efren. Only I will be challenging you today," I said.

"Travis, huh? You have a very interesting aura...almost as if you weren't fully human. My name is Sabrina, and I am a psychic-type gym leader. We will each use three Pokémon, and whoever wins best two out of three wins," said Sabrina. I nodded in agreement, and then the two of us walked to the opposite ends of the battlefield. Efren, along with his Riolu, went off to the sidelines to watch the match. The referee appeared a few moments later and then announced the rules of the match, which were basically what Sabrina had told me. He then raised his hand for us to begin.

"Mr. Mime, I choose you!" called out Sabrina as it emerged from its Pokéball.

"All right, it's time for your gym debut, Teddiursa, come on out!" I called out as I threw out its Pokéball, and it emerged from within. "Let's start off with a Swift attack!" I called out. Teddiursa shot its attack directly toward Mr. Mime, but Sabrina only smirked and didn't give Mr. Mime any orders. When the Swift attack got closer to Mr. Mime, it was blocked by some kind of invisible barrier.

"Use Thunder Punch!" called out Sabrina. Mr. Mime charged at Teddiursa with a lightning-covered fist.

"Intercept with Night Slash!" I called out. Teddiursa's right hand began to glow with darkness, and then both Pokémon ran at each other and clashed. Mr. Mime's attack was stronger and overpowered Teddiursa, knocking it to the ground.

"Fire Punch now!" I called out. Teddiursa quickly recovered and then uppercut Mr. Mime with a critical hit Fire Punch. Mr. Mime was then left with a burn.

"You're doing great, Teddiursa!" I called out in encouragement. Sabrina smiled and realized I wasn't to be taken lightly.

"Use Psychic!" she called out. Mr. Mime's eyes began to glow, and then suddenly it had a telekinetic hold on Teddiursa, stretching it out into many different positions.

"Now use Psyshock!" Sabrina called out next. Multiple telekinetic orbs flew around Teddiursa and then all hit it at once, which resulted in it fainting. I walked onto the field and picked up Teddiursa.

"You were great out there. We'll keep training so next time you'll be the one to win," I said with a smile. Teddiursa began to cry, and I comforted it while walking over to Efren.

"Cheer me on and observe the rest of the battles so you can gain more experience," I said. Teddiursa nodded, and then I walked back to the battlefield. Sabrina used her telekinesis to recall Mr. Mime to its Pokéball, and then she levitated another Pokéball, which released a Kadabra. I threw out my next Pokémon, which revealed to be Larvitar.

"All right, Larvitar, use Rock Slide!" I called out. Larvitar raised its arms, and multiple boulders began to fall from above Kadabra.

"Use Teleport," called out Sabrina. Kadabra used teleportation to teleport away from every boulder that was above it.

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