Chapter 22: A battle between Lovers!

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Efren and I threw out our Pokémon onto the field, which revealed both Dewott and Snivy. "Awesome! You evolved Dewott!" I called out, amazed. Dewott looked at me and smiled. It was then that I realized how much stronger Efren probably was now. The last time we were traveling together, he didn't even have a full team of six. "Dewott, use Razor Shell!" called Efren. Dewott grabbed hold of both of its shells, which turned into water-formed blades, and it came charging at Snivy. "Counter with Leaf Blade!" I called out. Snivy's tail began to glow, and it clashed with Dewott's attack, canceling it out.

"Air Slash now!" called out Efren quickly. Dewott created a slash made from air, striking and hitting Snivy. It was super effective. "Hang in there, Snivy! Counterattack with Magical Leaf!" I called out. Snivy fired multiple beautifully colored leaves at Dewott.

"Dodge it and then use Ice Beam!" called out Efren. Dewott dodged the attack, which made me smirk as the leaves came charging from behind since Magical Leaf was an attack that never misses. It reminded me of our first battle when Efren was caught off guard by my Pichu's swift attack hitting his Riolu despite its attempts to dodge. Dewott noticed the incoming leaves from behind and used Ice Beam to freeze them, which caught me off guard.

"So you knew?!" I said out loud.

"Of course I knew that, Travis. I told you I'm not the same Efren anymore," said Efren. Dewott then turned its attention to Snivy and fired an Ice Beam directly at it. Snivy was frozen solid.

"Snivy, no! Try breaking free with Magical Leaf!" I called out. The ice began to shake as Snivy tried breaking free.

"Sorry, Travis, but I can't have that. Dewott, use Razor Shell!" called out Efren. Dewott charged at the frozen Snivy and hit it, resulting in the ice breaking and Snivy fainting. I recalled Snivy back into its Pokéball. Even though Snivy may have had the type advantage, it was clear that Dewott was far stronger and much more experienced in battle.

I then threw out my next Pokémon, which was Raichu.

"Good choice, but remember type advantage means nothing when it comes to Dewott and me," said Efren.

"We'll just see about that! Raichu, use Thunder!" I called out. Raichu charged its body with electricity and then fired a powerful Thunder attack at Dewott.

"Use Razor Shell to block!" called out Efren. Dewott used its water-shaped blades to block the attack. It struggled at first but then managed to do so completely. Raichu and I watched, surprised. Efren clearly had trained Dewott to counter both Grass and Electric type moves, so I knew I wouldn't win with basic techniques and strategies like that.

"Raichu, use Iron Tail!" I called out. Raichu charged at Dewott with its tail glowing.

"Block it with Razor Shell!" called out Efren. Dewott managed to block it in time, but that's exactly what I was hoping for.

"Now, wrap your tail around Dewott!" I called out. Raichu used its long tail to wrap around Dewott, which threw Efren off guard.

"Now, use Thunder!" I called out. Raichu unleashed a powerful Thunder attack, causing Dewott, who was unable to block it, to faint. Efren recalled Dewott into its Pokéball.

"You're full of surprises as usual, Travis. Let's see if you have a counter to this strategy though. Luxray, I choose you!" called out Efren as his fully evolved Luxray emerged. The last time I had seen it, it was still a Shinx.

"Electric type versus Electric type?! We'll show them who the superior one is! Use Thunder Punch!" I called out. Efren smiled.

"Use Roar!" he called out. Luxray let out a loud roar, which resulted in Raichu returning to its Pokéball and then Togetic came out in its place. I had heard of the move Roar and its ability, but I never expected Efren to use it. Togetic looked around the battlefield, confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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