Chapter 16: Pikachu's Dilemma

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The tournament was tomorrow, and we all thought having a practice tag battle would make for good training. I teamed up with Adam while Anna teamed up with Jay. Anna and Jay threw their Poké Balls, and out came Venusaur and Blastoise. Adam and I looked at each other, nodded, and then threw out our Pokémon. Adam sent out his Machoke while I sent out Pikachu. I then released Larvitar from his Poké Ball.

"I can tell you don't have much battle experience, so watch us so you can understand the basics of it," I said. Larvitar nodded and then hopped on my shoulder.

"Alright, let's begin! Blastoise, use Rapid Spin on Pikachu!" called out Jay. Blastoise went into its shell, spun around, and charged at Pikachu.

"Quick, Machoke, jump in front of Pikachu and block that Rapid Spin with Cross Chop!" called out Adam. Machoke did as instructed and managed to stop Blastoise's attack.

"Quick, help Blastoise out with Energy Ball!" called out Anna. Venusaur fired an Energy Ball directly toward Machoke.

"Pikachu, counter it with Electro Ball!" I called out. Pikachu charged a bunch of electricity into its tail, formed a ball of electricity, and threw it to counter Venusaur's Energy Ball. "Use Thunderbolt on Blastoise!" I called out. Pikachu shot a powerful Thunderbolt and hit Blastoise.

"Venusaur, use Frenzy Plant on Pikachu!" called out Anna. Powerful vines emerged from the ground and targeted Pikachu. Pikachu used its speed to dodge them until it was up close to Venusaur.

"Let's hit them with a Brick Break/Electro Ball combo attack!" I called out. Pikachu charged an Electro Ball into its tail and slammed it on top of Venusaur's head using Brick Break.

"Blastoise, Hydro Cannon on Pikachu!" called out Jay. Blastoise aimed its cannon at Pikachu while it was landing from attacking Venusaur and then fired its attack directly at Pikachu. The attack did a lot of damage, and Pikachu fell hard onto the ground.

"Machoke, use Thunder Punch on Blastoise!" called out Adam. Machoke's fists surrounded themselves with electricity, and then he attacked Blastoise with back-to-back Thunder Punches.

"Alright, let's finish this! Since Pikachu is weakened, use Solar Beam!" called out Anna.

"Use Hydro Cannon!" called out Jay. Their Pokémon powered up and then fired their attacks.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" I called out. "Machoke, use Focus Blast!" called out Adam. Our Pokémon launched their attacks and fired. Unfortunately for us, Blastoise and Venusaur's attacks overpowered ours and hit our Pokémon. Both of our Pokémon were unable to battle.

I ran onto the field to Pikachu. "Hey, you okay, buddy?" I asked. Pikachu looked up at me with a sad expression. It then looked at Blastoise, then Venusaur, and then at Machoke. It grew angry and then ran off into the woods.

"Pikachu, wait!" I called out. I immediately got up and followed after it, but after a whole hour of searching, I couldn't find it. I immediately called the Professor and rotated Pinsir with Togetic. I released it from its Poké Ball and sent it to search for Pikachu from up in the air. I then released my other Pokémon from their Poké Balls to have them look around as well. Jay, Anna, and Adam had gone searching as well, but they weren't able to find any trace of Pikachu.

"Hey, Travis? Don't have any idea why Pikachu might have run off?" asked Anna. I thought about it for a moment, but then I remembered Pikachu looking at the other Pokémon before it ran off.

"I think I know why it ran off. In that battle we had, we all used our starter Pokémon, and maybe Pikachu felt it wasn't as strong as the other Pokémon," I said.

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