Chapter. 3 Title: A Secret Gesture

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Content Warning:

This story contains sensitive or gruesome content that may be disturbing to some readers. The content includes Violence, Abuse, Drugs, etc. Reader discretion is advised.

*sighs* Kid, what's your name?

Fumeiyo: Fum- ...

Fumeiyo: Fum-

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Hayato: *Wondering* Is he lying!? ... I can't tell when there isn't a single emotion on his face.

*2 hours ago*

Mom: Listen, We don't need more people to know your nasty name. From now on, If someone asks what your name is, You're Ren.

Hayato: Ren it is then! Nice to meet you Ren!

Fumeiyo:  Okay. Hayato-sama.

Hayato: No need for those suffixes. Just call me Hayato!

Fumeiyo: O- ... Yes

Hayato: *Wondering* A kid shouldn't be here to begin with. But he still has to work. Because that's how anyone should receive things in life. Couldn't say the same about this kid's mom though. What is his dad doing?

Hayato: Go sit at that chair over there while I get things ready. *looks at his gang members* Everyone else comes with me. Someone stay here and give this kid a snack or something.

*Fumeiyo goes and sits on the chair while the others go inside another room*

Hayato: Even though he's a kid, I don't give anyone free stuff. That's not how it works around here. BUT, he's indeed still a child! That's why I'm assigning 4 of you to monitor him and protect him if anything happens. I need to figure out what's happening with him.

One gang member: Boss, we know he's a child! But, We still work for you because it's beneficial to us. We're earning money we desperately need. Why should we take time out of your day to protect ... a child?

Hayato: Don't worry about that part. You'll be compensated. I can't let a child do this sorta job alone.

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