The Trees

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Hiya Readers!!! This is gonna be another very dialogue heavy chapter!! Not too many POV jumps. TW: homophobia and am now gonna put Steve Blade and Mrs McKinley as a TW cus u guys hate them sm :D Short parts, so sorry!! Anyways, HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!

Connor McKinley's POV

These trees look different to how they did last night. Last night they looked magical, all fairy-tale and wistful, but now they are just lumps of dead wood and decaying leaves. Nothing more.

Things can be deceptive in the dark like when you used to see the odd t-shirt hanging up and it looks like a bear. People can be deceptive too.

Someone taps me on the shoulder as I walk down the hallway, heading back towards the outside door to go to the cabin. I turn. All I see is a flutter of a note hit the floor  before they're gone in a whisk of air, dashing back down the corridor.

Meet me by the trees. You know the ones.

That was the blandest note I have ever read in my life. I knew what trees this person was talking about; on our first tour we got shown a patch of peculiar trees by a small creek, deep in the woodland. I hadn't a clue who it was and if it were Kevin he would've made sure that I knew that it was him so I could come... prepared...

I did need to go and find this person. What if they needed me for something important? What  if Chris needed my help with something? What if it was Kevin and he wanted to tell me that all of last night was a mistake?

He couldn't... could he?

Steve Blade's POV

I wait in the small cove of trees in my North Face puffer coat. It is freezing. I have my red tie on underneath; the same tie I know he loves because I was meant to have worn it to prom. No, no, no, I'm not trying to impress him, I'm not gay. 

I stare into the trees as a tall figure begins to take form. The ginger hair first catches my eye, then the small red coat he almost never wore around. It was zipped up too, so I couldn't see the light blue tie he always wears. He sips on his bottle as he walks through the trees, looking left and right to try and see any trace of human life.

I lean against a tree, trying to not let him see me watching him.

Connor pauses as he stares at me, his mouth forming a small 'o' a few centimetres from his water bottle.



We stand like that for a minute. It feels like an eternity..

"Why am I here?" Connor half-laughs, staring around the space to check that there was nobody else. 

I stare at him, seriously. He stops laughing.

"You and Kevin..." I mumble, my face reddening at the thought "I'll just, uhm airdrop it to you,"

I click on the video and press airdrop. I send it over to Connor who begins to watch. I notice that his phone case is clear with a small polaroid of him and another boy in it, both in matching sparkly pink waistcoats. What a bunch of gayos.

Connor stares at the video in horror. He flicks his phone off and slides it into his pocket. I stare at him, trying to decipher his next move.

"Delete it." he says, a look of anger appearing across his face.


He takes a step closer, his fist clenching.





  Connor's fist freezes in mid-air. I stare at him. He stares back.

"You need to break up with Kevin. And once you have, I'll delete it. I-if not, I'll share this on Facebook, tagging everyone I know, who includes your Mom..."

Connor's face freezes in utter horror at the mention of his Mom. It had worked. He stares at his feet, the tears welling in his eyes. I smirk down at him, even though he is as tall as me.

"Your a fucking cunt, Steve.." he grumbles.

I stare back at him and grin.

"Only doing the Lord's work, my darling.."

And with that, I begin to walk off into the trees.

Connor McKinley's POV

I should've punched the guy, I really should but something stopped me. If it were the way he stared or the way that there was part of my heart still devoted to him, I didn't know, but I didn't do it and now have utter regret. 

And for him to blackmail me? I couldn't care less if he sent that video to everyone in this camp, but tagging my Mom... that would just make everything more horrific.

And yes, it does sound a little weird to be ok with everyone seeing a video of me and my boyfriend behind a changing room having sex but I mean, they'll all do it at some point. 

Was he even my boyfriend? I mean, I'll have to break up with him soon anyway, even if he were. We must be boyfriends. I can't have Steve showing everybody that video. It'll end me..

Kevin Price's POV

Jack knocks on the cabin door. I stare at the door, and seeming nobody else was getting off of their backsides to do it, I went to greet Jack.

"What's up, buddy?" I ask him as his face begins to turn red.

"Just... come out here.."

What's he done now...

I close the door gently and stand in front of him, arms crossed, on the front deck. He rummages in his pocket for a minute before opening photos. He clicks on a video with grainy pixels, rubbishly filmed from a window, facing down onto two boys laying in the dirt. I stare at Jack. He splutters.

"I found this on Steve's phone and thought you should see.. Listen, I know that Mom isn't the most open to this... gay stuff but I'm cool with it. You and Connor can do whatever you want, as long as your both happy!" Jack explains as he hands his phone over to me. 

"Oh shit." I mumble as I begin the video "You haven't watched this fully, have you?"

I stare at Jack for a moment as he tried to hold in his laughter.

"You were good mate,"


Even though it is definitely not the time, we begin to break down into fits of laughter as the video continues. It eventually comes to a pause as I begin to gather my breath back.

"B-but Kevin, I don't know what Steve's planning on doing with the video! I just had enough time to airdrop it over to me without him seeing, but not to delete it. I really hope that son of a female dog gets what he deserves." Jack mumbles.

"Thanks Jaqueline." I give my brother a quick embrace before he hurries of down the path.

That son of a bitch Steve Blade.

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