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Hiya Readers!! Wrote this draft in my notebook at school (again) so it may not be up to perfect scratch! I am so so grateful for all of the reads this fanfiction has gotten, so thank you all for all of the support! TW: Steve Blade and Mrs McKinley mention. Hope you enjoy!! :)

Connor McKinley's POV

Two days. Two more days until I'll have to leave him. Two more days to just end the relationship and become some sad, gay man who lives in Nebraska living off of his college fund. Yay. 

I lay silently; crying gently into my pillow. I was so foolish to think that I could ever have a boyfriend, that I could ever be loved. Something always has to happen; they'll run away the night of the prom or I'll have faked being straight to get with them or I'll get blackmailed by some stuck up dick about him posting a video of me and my boyfriend on Facebook and tagging everybody I know.

Boyfriend.. Are we even boyfriends? We'd never established it fully, but we must be boyfriends...

 I sigh as I turn over to face the wall.

But not for too long.

I could always just phone my parents up and tell them everything; about Kevin and The Camp and Uganda and Steve.. But I know that they would never approve. They would not look at me, avoid me and maybe even... disown me...

Right, I know I hate my family but I wouldn't want them to disown me. That-that's horrible. If only they could tolerate Kevin and never actually have to meet him that, would be enough.

It's always been my Mom with the issue; my Dad has to just go along about what she is saying to reinforce it. He's never expressed his feelings towards gay people. He didn't seem like an ally nor a homophobe. My Mom was the reason I (almost) had to leave dance, my Mom's the reason that I'm a Mormon, my Mom's the reason I came on this mission in the first place.

I hear a shuffle. Then a creak. Somebody's awake.

Kevin Price's POV

Two more days. Two more days to get this whole Steve-Thing out of mind. 

I lay there, awake. 

Connor's asleep. So's everybody else. So it's just me. Me and my thoughts. Alone.

I know that Connor's been itching for a chance to break up with me. I don't know if it was what Steve said or if he's realised that I'm an absolute dick but either way, we'll need to settle this out some time in the next two days. 

I sigh as I begin to hoist myself out of bed. Maybe a little walk to the bathroom, washing my face with water and coming back may help. 

I clamber from the sheets and sit on the edge of my bed for a moment. Connor shuffles around and stares at me. 

"Kevin?" he says, sounding fully-awake. 

"Connor. You alright?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Can't sleep." I say as I walk into the bathroom.

 I flick on the light switch. Darkness. I try again, turn it off and on. Darkness. 

"The damn bulbs blown," I say as I rest my head against the wooden wall. It's cold. I turn around. Connor's standing right beside me.

"You could always try the main ones?"

Connor McKinley's POV

I need to break up with him. Tonight. Tell Steve that I've done it before we leave so he doesn't post the video. Maybe fate will bring us back together. Maybe it won't. 

"Good idea," Kevin says as he walks towards the door. He shoulders on his brown jacket. He holds the doorhandle in his hand and twists it so that there is a humid breeze filling the cabin. He pauses and turns to face me. "Do you... Want to come?"

I stare back at him.


I pull on my red zip-up hoodie and do it up. There are a few badges pinned onto it: a round pride one, one of the hungry caterpillar, a mental health matters one and one that reads 'Heartstopper'. I love this hoodie and it hardly ever gets washed. Now that I think of it, that's a little disgusting. 

Kevin leaves first, me following shortly behind. I don't know why he leaves first. He slows down a little and I take it as a sign to catch up with him. 

Kevin Price's POV 

Jack's deleted the video. Just as I had began to make my way to the bathroom, I had a new notification. I left slightly before Connor to read it.

Jack Price

Hey dude, deleted that video off of Steve's phone whilst he wasn't looking. Hope this helps :)

Kevin Price

This is why your my favourite sibling. 

I need to talk to Connor about this Steve stuff. Now there was nothing for him to actually blackmail him with, the whole situation is pointless. 

I'm not scared of what Steve can do to me; I can take the damage. I'm only scared of what he can do to Connor. 

We walk in silence until we reach the small bathroom block across the other side of the camp. I go in before Connor. This is it.

Connor McKinley's POV

This is it.

I'll break up with Kevin and lose the love of my life because of some stupid blackmail. I enter the bathroom and stand against the wall with my hands in my pockets. 

I begin to talk before thinking what comes out of my mouth.

This is it.

"Listen Kevin," I feel the tears prickle the backs of my eyes. Kevin breaks off my line, seeing that I am upset, and starts his own. 

"Connor- uhm- I know Steve's been doing shit to you with that video an- and I'm so sorry he's done that to you. My brother's deleted that now and it can't be found s-so... If you still want to break up with me you can-"


"I know I'm a cock and I piss people off and I'm hard to be around so if you do want to break this off, don't sugar coat it-"


"Just I want you to know that your a really great guy and have made me so so happy-"

"KEVIN!" I say as he pauses. He stares up at me with his large, hazel doe eyes "Just... be quiet..." I cup his cheek in my hand. He stares at me, confused. "I'm sorry for being a-a dick."

"You... a dick?" he stifles a laugh.

"It's just- I've just been scared to say-" I feel my heart pound in my throat "I've wanted to say." I stare at the tiled floor "That I... I-I love you.."

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