Kayaking... but choas

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Hiya Readers!!! The next few parts are not going to have too much story to them- just some of the activities that the Elders have done!!! These are going to be so funny and I am so excited to write them!!! Heavy dialogue and ALOT of mucking around :D Hope you enjoy!!

Chris Poptarts POV

I don't know who got trusted with the sign up sheet on the first day, probably Arnold,  but they put us down for way too many activities. 

So there we all stand, Kevin magically appearing after having a miracle recovery as we await the instructor. Michael and Oliver begin to try and shove each other into a nearby tree. Nobody even cares about their little playfights anymore; it's as if their siblings. Ben leans against a tree, reading his comic book (still) and Connor stands, glaring at everybody looking pissed off, in his red coat sipping on his pink water bottle. The second Kevin comes over to him, however, he removes the coat and brightens up a tad, smiling and laughing again. 

That red coat is Connor's pissed off coat. He wore it to every cookery class, refusing to take it off,  he wore it to church and, most of all, he wore it around his Mom. Whenever we went to his house after going out, he'd shoulder on the coat and say that it was 'cold' even if it were the middle of summer.

James crosses the small gap between us.

"Listen, if I die doing whatever activities Arnold has signed us up to do, you can have first dibs on my clothes,"

Of course it was Arnold.

"What a loving gesture, Church," I say sarcastically as I give him a small pec on the cheek. 

"HEY GUYS LOOK WHAT I'VE GOT!!!" A voice shouts as a large... duck begins to stomp through the trees. Oh wait, no, that's Arnold wearing flippers, goggles and a swim hat with half of his hair poking out of the sides. We all try not to laugh at his. 

"Uh buddy, where did you get all of this... gear from?" Kevin asks as I'm kicking myself trying not to laugh.

"The shop down the road! I can take you there if you-"

"And where did you get this money?"

"Oh... um... so you see Moroni came down from the star ship enterprise and said 'you shall go kayaking Elder-"

There's a small pause as Kevin places his hands on the boy's shoulder. Davis is kicking a tree trying not to laugh at him and James is squeezing my hand so tightly that I think it may pop soon.

"You took it our of my bag, didn't you?"


I couldn't hold it in any longer. 

Everyone burst out cackling, gulping for air before beginning to laugh again.

"Hello! I am Yohan Kameron and I will be conducting your-" a familiar voice says as Elder Kameron appears through the trees. 

He breaks off as he sees all of us in fits of laughter. His face makes me begin to cry even more, smacking James on the back as I began to collapse. 

It takes us a few moments to compose ourselves before Arnold gets told by Yohan to take all of his gear off and leave it in the mall hut. The rest of the Elders follow suite, Connor dumping his pissed-off-coat into a small cubby hole. 

We all stand around in a large semi-circle as Yohan begins to explain how to use a kayak correctly. 

"So first, you hold the paddle like this and row-"

A small paper aeroplane shoots through the air and whacks the instructor in the side of the head. James snorts beside me. 

"Who threw that?" Yohan asks, seeming to become a little agitated. 

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