Chances are, tonight, you've already got plans

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Hermione and I were in the library, I was catching up on some muggle romance book that Hermione had lend me, while she was re-reading a book on Hogwarts' history. When, all of a sudden, Harry and Ron sat down with us. I looked at Ron and smiled, ignoring Harry's presence.

"Hi guys" Hermione greeted them. They said hi back. I could feel Harry's eyes on me, but I didn't dare to make eye contact with him.

"What are the plans for the weekend? We're going to Hogsmeade and Merlin knows I'm desperate for new books" Hermione said.

"I'm desperate for new candy" Ron added.

"I'm going with Cho" Harry answered. That's when I broke my rule of ignoring him and made eye contact with him.

"Cho Chang?" I asked, in disbelief.

"Whom else?" Harry asked back.

"She's too pretty for you" Hermione said, Harry just rolled his eyes.

"Looks like it's just gonna be the three of us, then" Ron smiled.

"Well, actually, I'm going with Draco, so..." I smiled nervously.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Ron asked, making me laugh.

"Oh, Merlin, no. We're best friends" I answered.


I was sulking. I hate Harry Potter. I hate him and I hate his stupid beautiful eyes and his stupid smile. I hate his hair and I hate the way he talks and the way he walks... I hate everything about him. But I hate myself more for liking him... for falling for his game.

I was sitting near the lake. Just breathing and processing my existence when Harry Potter sat down beside me. "Honestly, do you not get tired of bothering me?" I asked.

"No, not really" he chuckled, sitting down beside me. Close to me.

"Do you not like me anymore?" he asked. I looked at him in disbelief, how could he ask something like that?

"Why would you care? Don't you have a date?" I asked back and he rolled his eyes.

"It's just Cho. We're friends, whatever"




"Do you not like me anymore?"

"Do you like me?" I asked back. Instead of answering, he just kissed me. It felt like our first kiss, more memories going through my head.


"I give up. Brooms just don't like me enough" I complained. Harry was trying to teach me how to play quidditch, but it wasn't being a successful lesson.

"That's because you give it too much thought. You think the broom controls you, but the reality is that you control it" he laughed a little.

"You have a natural gift. I'm... giving up" I smiled sarcastically.

"I'm not letting you give up, but I'll let you rest. If you keep trying while in a bad mood, you'll just fall and I don't want you to injure yourself"

"Oh, my, the chosen one cares for me, how lucky" I said sarcastically. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sure you'll master it in no time, baby"

"What did you just call me?" I asked, blushing and panicky.

"I called you baby"


"Because I like you"


Foolish One ♡ (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now