They ain't never gonna come

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"Knew you wouldn't die, Harry" Fred said with a smile, which made me laugh. We were all in the Gryffindor's common room, they all seemed cheery and happy, they were in a mood of celebration. "Lose an arm..."

"... a leg" George finished for him.

"But pack it up together?"

"Never" they said in unison. I found it really funny when the twins talked like that, just finishing each other's sentences and speaking at the same time. Top-tier comedy, if you ask me.

Seamus then held up the egg and nodded towards Harry "Come on, Harry, what do you say?"

"Harry, maybe you shouldn't..." Hermione said, looking worried, which made me worry.

I was standing next to Draco, who was just glaring at everyone (and everyone was looking at him weirdly, too), Crabbe and Goyle were next to him. I took a step towards Harry.

"I agree with Hermione, we don't know what's in there" I said, but Harry was too caught up sucking his own dick and stroking his ego to listen.

"Bring it here" Harry said, smiling, enjoying his five minutes of fame. Oh, how quickly people switch sides; one minute it's all 'Potter stinks', and the next, they throw him a party. Seamus gave Harry the egg, and I rolled my eyes.

Draco, grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him. "Imagine something really stupid is in there, and he's just over here embarrassing himself" Draco whispered to me, laughing. I laughed as well, because the thought was funny, plus, Harry was being properly annoying right now.

Everyone began cheering, as Harry pulled up the egg to show to everyone. He positioned his fingers on the egg to be able to open it, he began opening it but stopped, grinning at everyone's look of anticipation. He laughed and proceeded to actually opening it.

Draco was right, it was embarrassing. But not only that, it was loud as fuck, and scared the fuck out of me - and everyone. The room was suddenly filled with the most horrific, ear-splitting, screeching wail.

"Shut it! shut it!" Fred instructed, as everyone shut their ears with their hands.

Harry quickly closed the egg, Ron appearing out of nowhere, looking really mad. "Bloody hell. What was that?" he asked.

"Alright everyone, let's pretend this never happened and move on with the party!" Fred exclaimed.

"We brought firewhiskey" George exclaimed, starting to fill some cups that were placed on a table that I had not noticed until this very moment.

The twins were known for throwing some fire parties, but I had never been to one before since they don't invite Slytherins, nor had I have an actual reason to wanting to attend.

Everyone began partying, music blasting, but Ron didn't seem to be in a party mood and Harry was glaring at him. If looks could kill, they would both be six feet under. I saw Ron approached Harry, and I walked closer to them - what can I say? I'm a sucker for gossip, also Harry's my... boyfriend? Or something like that.

"I reckon you'd have to be barking mad to put your own name in the Goblet of Fire" Ron said, he seemed calmer than when he approached him first, now he seemed rather embarrassed.

"Caught on, have you? Took you long enough" Harry replied. Okay, I see now, they're becoming besties again.

"I wasn't the only one who though it! Everyone else was saying so behind your back, too"

"Brilliant! That makes me feel so much better" Harry replied sarcastically.

"At least I warned you about the dragons!"

"Hagrid warned me about the dragons!"

"No, I did! Don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Parvati had told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you. But Seamus never actually told me anything, because it was really me all along. I thought we'd be, you know, alright again once you figured that out"

"How could I possibly figure that out! You're completely mental"

"It is, isn't it? Suppose I was a bit distraught" Ron replied with a shy smile.

Hermione rolled her eyes and looked over at me "Boys" she sighed.

"I know, right?" I replied, laughing, making her laugh, too. "Well, let's enjoy the party, shall we?"

"With your little friend sulking over there?" Ron asked, laughing at Draco.

"Don't laugh at him, he didn't want to be here, I dragged him" I answered.

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"Because we're besties" I replied.

I walked over to Draco, who didn't seem to be having much fun, on the other hand, Crabbe and Goyle where playing a muggle party game called Beer Pong that the twins had introduced to us.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself so much, I thought to come here and join your little party of one" I said sarcastically.

Draco smiled at me. "Of course, I'm having fun, I love being in the Gryffindor's common room" he replied sarcastically, which made me laugh.

"Come on" I said, taking his hand. "Let's dance with the others, forget about blood status for one stupid night"

He just groaned, letting me guide him through the group of dancing people, we walked all the way over to Hermione, Ron and Harry. They gave me weird looks but I rolled my eyes and just began dancing to the beat of the music, they just shrugged it off and kept dancing. Draco looked uncomfortable.

"Dance with me" I told Draco, grabbing his hands and making him move to the beat of the music, after a while, he caught the beat and I let go of his hands. Hermione and Ron seemed a bit closer to one another, whereas Harry was shooting me weird looks every once in a while, I decided to just ignore him, if he has something to say to me, he can simply just say it.

"Mandatory shots" the twins said as they approached out group. "We even brought one for our unexpected guest" Fred added, referring to Draco.

They made us all take shots. It wasn't like the muggle alcohol, it was much much stronger. After four shots, I was a goner. I felt myself free... I was incredibly drunk. Hermione was really drunk, too. Draco looked a little tipsy, Ron was controllably drunk, and Harry just looked angry.

"Oh, my god, Y/n" Hermione exclaimed, grabbing my face with both of her hands. "Let's dance on the tables like in the movies"

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

We walked over to a table and got on top on it, Draco, Ron and Harry stood on the ground near us, checking on us to ensure we didn't fall. 

"I love you so much, Y/n, I know I don't say it often, but you're one of my best friends" she smiled.

"I love you, too, Mione" I replied and we shared a hug.

We kept dancing, until my shoelace became undone and I tripped on it. Luckily for me, Draco caught me in time, letting me down and then letting go of me when my balance was stabilised once more.

Ron helped Hermione off the table, since she didn't want to be there if I wasn't there with her.

Foolish One ♡ (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now