Don't know what to call this situation

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Harry Potter

We were all sitting down on the Great Hall, Ron complaining as per usual. "This is mad. At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates. Well... us and Neville"

"Then again, he can take himself" I added in, remembering what Professor Mcgonagall about taking Neville to the dance. I saw Ron grin a little, but Hermione looked at us disapprovingly.

"Nice. But it might interest you two to know Neville's got someone" Hermione said.

"Now I'm really depressed" Ron replied.

"Don't tell me you lot don't have dates yet?" Fred butted in. "Better hurry up or all the good ones will be gone"

"Who're you going with then?" Ron spat out.

"Umm..." Fred said while looking around, stopping after a few seconds. "Oi! Angelina! Want to come to the ball with me?"

"All right, then" Angeline replied, with a smile.

Merlin, how is it so easy for him?

Ron the turned to look at Hermione. For a minute, I thought he would finally man up and ask her, but the minute he opened his mouth I was severely disappointed. "Oi, Hermione! You're a girl, right? Come with one of us?"

Hermione looked at him in disbelief. "Oh, come one. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone, but for a girl, that's just sad"

"I won't be going alone" she replied, shutting her book. "believe or not, someone asked me and I said yes"

Then, she stormed out. I could see Y/n noticed and got up from her table to follow her... Y/n... whenever I thought about her breaking up with me, it made me sick to my stomach, whenever I saw her it just reminded me of what I was too foolish to lose, whenever—

"She's lying, right?" Ron asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"If you say so" I replied nonchalant.

Ron frowned. "Look, we've just got to grit our teeth and do it. Tomorrow, when we get back to the common room, we'll both have partners, agreed?"

I nodded, not wanting his speech about not having a date go any longer.


I was walking towards the owlery when I noticed someone walking out, it took me some time to figure out who they were, but, after a few seconds I saw it was...

"Harry" she greeted.

"Cho" I replied. We both stood there a bit awkwardly, we hadn't talk since the party - and for a good reason, as I was avoiding Y/n seeing me talking to her, since it made her... jealous? Wait! Oh, Merlin, the most wonderful idea had just popped in my head.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked talking about the scenery.

"Splendid!" I replied a bit more enthusiastically than intended. "Well... I just wondered if maybe you... wannagototheballwithme?"

"Sorry... I didn't catch that"

"I wondered if you'd like to... to... to go to the ball with... me"

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