You know how to keep me waiting, I know how to act like I'm fine

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Knock, knock, knock. I know for a fact whoever was behind the door wasn't knocking loudly, in fact, whoever it was was knocking very lightly. But it sounded as it they were pounding the door about to break it.

I got up as quickly as my headache and nausea allowed me to, wanting the noise to do anything but continue being so incredibly loud. I opened the door and found a smiling Draco holding a glass with a weird liquid on his hand.

"Here" he said, extending it to me.

"What's this?" I asked, taking the glass and smelling it, almost throwing up in the process.

"For the hangover"


"Just drink it, I woke up early to brew it in time for you to wake up"

He put my hand with the glass closer to my face. I made a disgusted face and just... chugged it. It was slimy and dense and... disgusting. A few seconds passed and... I felt new, I felt rested and myself again. That was, until the memories of last night came flushing trough me, making me lose my balance a little.

"You okay?" Draco asked and I nodded, hugging him so he couldn't see me blushing.

"Yes, you're the best" I answered.

"Well, obviously"


We were all in the Great Hall, I was sitting next to Draco, but even from my distance, I could see Cho and Harry eyeing each other, and the Patil twins flirting with Harry.

"Is he really that good looking?" Draco asked, noticing what I was looking at, I looked back at my food and just shrugged. "I mean, I'd like to think that I'm better looking"

"You are, but you're also an asshole"

"Not to you"

"Which is why we're friends"

"I don't want you to think that I'm pressuring you, but I'm here if you want to talk about whatever happened after I left or about how you feel with what happened during the party"

I turned to look at him, he seemed more preoccupied than I was about what happened. I just shrugged. "After potions"

Draco nodded and resumed his talk with his minions... and Pansy. God, how I hate her. I simply stood up, I couldn't take it anymore, if my mind wasn't on Harry kissing someone else, it was on Draco kissing me, and if it wasn't on that it was on Cho, and if it wasn't on that it was on pugface. I realised I had accidentally hit the table too loud because everyone was looking over at me, I decided to act as if nothing had happened and walked out of there as fast as I could.

"Hey, wait up!" I hear someone calling after me, I didn't really recognise their voice, so I turned around to see who it was.

"Oh, hi Cedric"

"You okay? You left in a bit of a hurry"

I sighed. "I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed that's all"

"I get it" I nodded. "The feeling of overwhelming, I mean, I don't know what you're going through"

"I can only imagine, with the triwizard tournament and all"

"And the Yule Ball"

"Right..." I paused. "That damn Ball"

"Do you know who you're going with?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Probably Draco, I guess. I mean, we're best friends"

"Oh, right..." he replied looking around. "Well, I have to go, but if Draco finds a romantic date, I'd love to go with you as... y'know, whatever you'd like"

Cedric left, leaving me to be on my own once again. I went outside and just walked near the lake.


"He's stupid" Hermione said. "I'm sorry to say it, but whatever he does after is crucial, if he can't even accept that he messed up, I will accidentally transform him into a cockroach or lock him in the bathroom with Myrtle"

"Yeah..." I smiled at her. "Anyway, how are things with you and Ron?"


"How come? Because of yesterday?"

"Yeah... I mean, we obviously hang out together as a group, but just us two? We haven't even done so much as making eye contact"

"Well, give him a bit of time, it was just first kiss"

Hermione nodded and then went back to the book she had at hand.

"Y/n?" she asked softly, making me look up from my book.

"Yes, Mione?"

"Thank you"

"For what?"


"Thank you as well" we smiled at each other and then went back to each of our books.


McGonagall might possibly be my favourite teacher after this lesson. Since the Yule Ball was approaching, Snape and her had decided to give us dance lessons. There was a line of girls on one side, and a line of boys on the other side. I was standing next to Hermione since no one had specified if we also had to be divided by houses or not.

"You have to get a grip! Your behaviour barely rises to the level of the common toadstool! I WILL NOT HAVE IT!" Professor McGonagall began explaining.

"Toadstool?" I asked Hermione in a whisper, who tried her best not to laugh.

"Now" McGonagall continued. "To dance is to let the body... breathe. Inside every girl is a secret swan slumbers, longing to burst free and take flight. Inside every boy a lordly lion, prepared to prance"

I saw Ron whispering something, which caught McGonagall's attention. "Mr. Weasley"

"Yes?" He asked nervously.

"Would you join me please?"

Ron looked as red as a tomato, which made Hermione and I almost burst out laughing.

"Now then, if you will, put your left hand on my waist" Mcgonagall began explaining.

"Where?" asked Ron. Making all the boys snicker.

"My waist"

Ron obeyed and the Weasley twins began whistling. Hermione and I couldn't hold back out laugh anymore.

"That's right, now extend your arm... and, Snape, if you would..."

Snape dropped the needle on the old record played that was in the room and a waltz began playing.

"And one... and two" Mcgonagall began leading Ron as they began dancing.

After a moment of just them dancing, McGonagall invited the rest of us to join, everyone quickly made their way to the one they wanted to dance with. I made my way to Draco.

"Aren't you going to ask me to dance?" I asked him once I approached him.

He smiled, then bowed. "May I have this dance?" he extended his hand to me and I took it, laughing to myself.

"You may"

With that, he led me to the dance floor and we began the dance. Dancing with Draco was fun, since he actually knows how to dance, so I could just let myself be guided by him.


"So... you and Harry not a thing anymore, right?" Hermione asked as we walked through the corridors together.

"Indeed, apparently I broke up with him after the party" I replied.

"Well, I'm glad at least drunk you has self-love" she laughed and I playfully hit her shoulder, laughing as well.

"How about you? Has things gotten better?"

"Yep, everything's pretty much as if nothing had ever happened" Hermione sighed. "Do you think he'll ask me to the dance?"

"He would be stupid to let that opportunity slip out, to be honest"

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