Chapter Eight

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Wesley Gray

The weekend came a lot quicker than I thought. I caught up pretty quickly with homework. Mom gave me some money to hang with Soph- yes that's what i call her now. We hung around town, and Troy picked us up about an hour ago.

We just got to my house, and we're in the kitchen baking. But Soph doesn't know how to bake, and she's just making a huge mess. I don't like mess. But she doesn't care, as she gets the batter for the cupcakes everywhere. She's currently wearing half of it, and her tongue is poked out while she focuses.

I don't understand friendships, because why would I want to sign myself up for this ever again?

"Don't look at me like that '' Soph huffs, flinging batter at me. My entire body tense when it hits my arm, and her eyes widen. "What's wrong?"

"I don't like messes' 'I grumble, taking a deep breath as I use a wet washcloth to get the batter off. She chews her bottom lip.

"I'm sorry, do you want to finish these up and I'll start cleaning?" she asks, and I nod. I take over, scoping the cupcake batter into the little foils, keeping the tray neatly as Soph cleans. She uses soap first, then clorox and wipes down the counters pretty good. I might not actually have to go over it.

"Smells soooo good," Jase says, coming into the kitchen with a grin. He wastes no time coming over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. Usually, when I'm stressed, touching is the last thing I want. But my muscles relax, and my head feels lighter.

"Awww you guys are actually adorable!" Soph says, and Jase gives her a smirk.

"You say that now, til you see all three of us fight for attention" my neck heats. Shut Up. It's like they don't care how weird this whole thing is.

"Aww i can't wait to see it honestly. You guys deserve to be happy" she flutters her lashes at Jase, who's smile widens. Does she like him?

My brows crease in thought, when Jase squeezes me. "Whatcha thinkin bout'?" he asks, tilting his head to see me better.

"Nothing" I shake my head, leaving his hold and putting the cupcakes into the oven. Soph starts talking to Jase about anything and everything, like she usually does. She nudges and touches him a lot when she talks.

They'd be pretty cute together, actually. And then he wouldn't have to share, either. Maybe I should say something?

I ignore it for now, grabbing a drink from the fridge. I sip on it, as I zone out into my own world.

Setting my drink on the aisle, I shrieked. My feet are no longer in the air, and someone's arms are around my waist. "Gonna borrow him for a minute" Zane calls out to Jase and Soph, carrying me off like I weigh nothing.

This isn't the first time they've picked me up, and I don't know what the obsession is. I'm a lot shorter than them, but I have thicker thighs and a pudge of fat on my stomach. I'm not light, I'm not that heavy either, but I'm not something to just throw around.

Zane carries me up the stairs, after tossing me over his shoulder like a rag doll. He's setting me on my bed in no time, tossing me in the middle.

"Oof" a heavy huff leaves me as i hit the bed. He's climbing on top of me in seconds, and his lips brush mine.

"Miss you" he murmurs, another brush against my lips. "Figured you didn't want me to kiss you downstairs' ' he says, his tongue brushing against my lower lip. Slowly, I open up, my tongue poking out to brush him.

We kissed for a few minutes, his tongue brushing mine. It's gentle, calm. His hands don't roam, and he doesn't sink his body weight into me, so I know it's more for the intimacy than it is for the sexiness.

When we were breathless, we pulled away and the words tumbled out of me. "I think Soph likes Jase"

Zane stares at me, raising a brow. "Yeah?"

"I think he likes her too. I think they'd be cute"

Zane barks out a laugh, shaking his head. "He doesn't like Soph. Soph doesn't like him, i don't think"

"I just don't want to stand in the way, yano? I think I'm gonna tell Jase we need to back off for now"

"I don't think you should do that-"

"I'm gonna" I cut him off, pushing off the bed to make my way downstairs.

"Wes, i really don't think that's a good idea" Zane is on my heels, as i bee-line down the stairs.

"Hey- what's going on?" Troy asks from the doorway, pizza in his hands.


"It's fine" I cut him off again, rounding the corner.

"What's up?" Jase meets me on the way to him. Soph isn't around, so I decided to just say what's on my mind.

"I think you and Soph would be cute, and I think we should take a step back. She likes you, and you seem to like her-"

"Who says I like Sophia?" Jase cuts me off, his brows creasing. "A step back?" his eyes flick behind me, probably catching Troy and Zane.

"I tried to tell him, but he just ran right down here" Zane says from behind me.

"I'm not mad, at all. I want you to be happy, and i think you guys would be cute. I think you should- oof" my back hits the wall so fucking quick it knocks the air from my lungs. Jase is pinning me to it, his eyes narrowed on me.

"I don't know what gave you the impression I want anyone, but you. But it's wrong. I'm only interested in one person, and that's you. Only want you. Is that clear?" his eyes are dark, his pupils dilated.

"B-but with what we have going on the sharing. You wouldn't have to do that-"

"I want to do it. That's why we are. Otherwise I wouldn't. We talked about it, had a long, long talk actually. We're happy with this. Are you not? Do you not enjoy all of our attention?" he asks, his voice rough.

"I do" I nod, gulping. "I love it, actually" I whisper in the last part, the hard truth I've come to terms with.

"Then we don't need to take a step back. Don't assume things, or push what you think onto me, or them. Talk to us, don't assume. Understood?"


"Good" his eyes narrowed on me for a second.


"What made you think I liked her?"

"Dunno, you guys were touching a lot, and laughing."

"I'm just touchy. I would never try to come between you guys" Soph's voice comes from the doorway of the kitchen.

"I didn't think you were, i just got in my head, i guess" i mumble, but she hears anyways. She hears everything. 


Oooo Wes being an over thinker isn't a shock haha. I'm glad they set things straight. Early access is available on my patreon! 8-14 Is up. I also have an exclusive story posted there, it's an enemies to lovers! 

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