Chapter Three

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Wesley Gray

Last night was weird. Will's nephews were attached to my hip like a lap dog. When I went to bed, they all followed me up the stairs and stood outside my door. I went to sleep alone and I woke up to them all in my room.

Troy is going through my things, Zane is sitting on the edge of my bed looking at his phone. Jase is lying beside me, reading a book. My brows furrow, as I sit up looking at them all. "Out" I huff, and all their heads turn in my direction.

"No can do '' Jase says, flipping the page in his book. " Will and Cece are out, and we're on Wesley duty. We want to show you around, get you fed. But you slept so late, it's noon" he glances at his watch on his wrist, and then puts a bookmark in his book.

"So you all just came into my room? Make yourself at home?" My words are meant to have some bite to them, but they don't.

"You don't have a lot of stuff" Troy says, going through my clothes. A huff leaves my lips, and I climb out of bed storming over to him. I shove at his large body, closing my drawer.

Everything happens so fast, I'm not sure I caught it all. Because now, my arms are above my head, and a wall is digging into my back. Troy is in front of me, so close.

My eyes are wide, and my mouth is gaping. Who the fuck does he think he is?"
"You're bratty" he smirks small, like I'm a challenge. I'll show you bratty.

My knee comes up, almost connecting with his crotch. He doges me, and his eyes narrow. "Oh yeah?" he asks, pressing his body into mine.

All blood flow goes to my member, and my body tenses, because I know he can feel it. His eyes darken, and his leg pushes between mine. Then he's moving his hips into me, and my eyes become so heavy.

"Troy.." one of the boys said.

"We talked about this," the other one says, and Troy says something, but I can't hear him. My head is getting all fuzzy again. Suddenly all the warmth is gone, and Troy is a few feet away. My arms fall to my side, and my eyes roam the room.

Everyone is in the same spot as before, and I grab some clothes before going to my connected bathroom.

Mom said he was moody, not bossy.

"They have cookies and cream?" I whisper yells to Zane, tugging on his arm like a toddler. We're at a local donut shop, getting a late breakfast before they make me go place and people.

"You like those?" Zane asks, as we take another step forward in line. Nodding, he smiles. "Coffee?"

"Vanilla, three cream three sugar" i murmur, "Iced"

"Iced?" Jase asks, glancing down at me.

"Always iced" I nod, crossing my arms.

Jase just smiles, and when it's our turn the boys order everything they want, which seems like the entire menu. Zane orders for me, and then we're making our way to the tables in back.

I slide into the booth, Jase slides in beside me. Troy and Zane sit across from me. Leaning back against the seat, I got comfy.

"We're going to show you a couple places, then I have to head to- to work. Zane has school tomorrow so you'll be with Jase all day tomorrow'

"I don't need a babysitter" my words come out confused, because i am. Does mom think I need a babysitter?

"It's so you're not lonely" Zane's voice is soft. Mom says he's like me.

"I won't be lonely" my words come out as a pout, or a complaint? I'm not sure.

"Then I'll just be around if you need something. Don't take such offense to it, it's just to be helpful." Jase says, before sliding out of the booth to go to the counter.

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