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Amina sat in the back of her COMS class trying to focus on what exactly her professor was saying but she couldn't. She laughed to herself, mentally cursing herself out due to the fact that she knew it was a dumb idea to smoke 10 minutes before class.

She shook her head at her dumb choices and pulled out her MacBook anyways and attempted to take notes until she heard her name being called making her look up.

She peered up from behind her computer screen, hoping that her eyes weren't a dead giveaway of what she was doing before the class started. "Ms. Moore, you will be partners with Kamorea Arnold" the professor, Mr.Harris explained pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

Amina's eyes scanned the room for this Kamorea character and they landed on a girl who nodded her head lightly which made Amina do the same.

The rest of class Amina zoned out, she was in deep thought of what she would get to eat afterwards. The munchies was finally setting in for her and she couldn't wait to eat, especially since this was her last class she was going to have a feast.

In what felt like forever, Mr.Harris dismissed the class letting everyone know the assignment was posted online as they exited the classroom. As Mina grabbed her things, Kamorea stopped her.

"Amina right?" Kamorea stood in front of Amina, with a basketball in her left hand.

"Mhmm" Amina responded slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

"Here, put your number in so I can text you about the project and we can get started soon"The taller girl handed Amina her phone.

Amina took her typing in her digits slowly unintentionally, laughing to herself. Mumbling that she's not getting high before class again.

"I figured that's why you were spaced out back there" Kamorea laughed and Amina felt her phone ding as she received a message from someone by the name of "KK"

Amina raised a brow and looked over to Kamorea who smiled.

"My friends call me KK, Kamorea is too girly! I gotta get to class though! I'll text you" She shouted at the smaller girl running in the other direction.

Leaving Amina standing there to wonder what she was going to eat.

After walking off campus to her dorm, she decided that she would door-dash wing-stop and binge watch Pitch Perfect.

After Amina finished the first Pitch Perfect she felt her phone vibrate and she saw she had a message from "KK⛹🏾‍♀️"

[KK⛹🏾‍♀️: Hey Amina, for our project you wanna cover the women's basketball team since I'm on it? I figured it'd be easy to get info and pictures since yk Im an insider and all 🤣}

↪️Wassup, yea that's cool with me. Seems easy enough. & pls call me Mina✋🏾

{KK⛹🏾‍♀️: Ok Mina 🫣we're all hanging out tonight at one of my teammates house you should come to meet everybody, we can get some interviews and photos}

↪️ hmmm, ok?? sure what time? text me the address.

{KK⛹🏾‍♀️: 9:30, *Address* see you later Mina🙂}

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