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Amina Rose Moore

I walked up to Azzi's front door preparing myself to knock, taking a deep breath also mentally preparing myself to socialize.

Fuck. I should've smoked. My plug wasn't answering the phone and I didn't have anything to smoke so I was out here raw-dogging life at this point. Hopefully he hits me up later.

As soon as my knuckles were about to hit the door, the door swung open and I was met with Blondie.

"Oh. Mina you actually came" she stated smartly, practically undressing me with her eyes.

"I said I was coming didn't I?" I stared at her blankly.

I'm sure that came out harsh but that was a dumb statement. I could have sworn I said that I would come, did I come off a the type to flake? Blondie sure does have a way of making herself unlikeable.

"Yeah, I guess you did" she laughed, walking past me.

I just rolled my eyes and entered the apartment.

As soon as I entered the apartment I was engulfed in a hug by Azzi.

"Mina!! I'm so happy to see you! You look so pretty" Azzi kind of slurred.

Oh, she's definitely drinking something tonight. It didn't surprise me that they were drinking, especially after such a big win.

"Thanks Azzi, you look pretty too" I complimented adjusting my purse on my shoulders.

"Cmon let me show you where everybody else is" she cheerfully grabbed my arm, dragging me through the living room to the upstairs game-room where KK and the rest of the team were taking shots at.

"Mina! Take a shot!" KK yelled as soon as she made eye contact with me as the team egged her on making me laugh a little bit at how fucked up they were.

"Uhh—— what do y'all have?" I responded after thinking about it for a while.

I didn't get to smoke so might as well have a couple of shots. If I HAVE to socialize I can't do it sober.

"We have Don Julio, Jack Daniels, Hennessy and Patron" KK pointed out making me cringe.

I knew I wasn't a drinker and any of the options wouldn't go down smooth but I had to choose the lesser of the evils and to me the safest choice seemed to be-

"I'll take the Patron" I spoke up and she nodded.

"PB, pass her the bottle and one of those shot cup wristbands. Write your name on it Mina. We're playing games" KK told me and I shook my head letting her know that I heard her.

"Here you go pretty girl" Paige handed me the Patron and the shot cup wristband.

I followed KK's instructions and held the bottle in my hand preparing myself to take the shot.

"Any day now Mina" Nika joked making the group laugh.

I flipped her off, opening the bottle pouring it in my shot cup then tossing it back feeling the liquid burn my throat all the way down to my stomach.

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