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Amina Moore

Since partnering up with KK, I've found myself at quite a few social gatherings and doing things that I have never done.

Like what I'm doing now..drinking..for the second time.

I am currently at a party with the basketball team for what seems like the millionth time this month but hey at-least I'm high this time and almost on the verge on drunk.

I took another swig on the concoction that Nika made for me, something like a vodka cranberry but not quite—idk.

"For somebody that claims not to drink you sure are gulping down that drink over there" Paige laughed taking the seat next to me making me roll my eyes.

"Is there something I can assist you with Paige? Why are you over here?" I asked her, attitude very apparent in my voice.

It had been a week already since I'd turned down her "date" and this was my first time seeing her since then. I figured she'd get the hint and move on but clearly I was mistaken and that is not the case.

"Yeah, actually." She stated, in a mocking tone causing me a to raise a brow.

"How about, if you take more shots than 7 tonight with out throwing up I'll leave you alone. And if you do throw up.. I get to take you on a date this Friday" she proposed leaning back on the couch.

I knew 7 shots was my absolute maximum and Im pretty sure I could handle that. Then I looked down at my hands and realized I had already been drinking and my body was already warm.

"I've already been drinking though" I started to say.

"I didn't see those so they didn't count" She shrugged and I internally face palmed myself. Is this what I have to do to get Blondie's fine persistent ass to leave me alone? Okay, fuck it.

"Okay. Bet" I told her and she smirked.

"Don't try to cheat either" she pointed making me roll my eyes

"You would know a lot about cheating huh" I retorted.

"pretty girl I'm a lot of things but a cheater is not one them" she whispered in my ear getting up from the couch.

Her presence was soon replaced with KK, who was eager to know what me and "PB" we're over here discussing and I looped her in on the bet.

"Oh God Mina, you're fucked. You might as well get ready for the date babe." She laughed causing me to frown.

Damn, I thought me and KK were friends and she has no faith in me. I know I'm not a big drinker but 7 shots isn't thaaat bad. Right?

"I can take 7 shots!" I semi shouted hit her leg and she laughed.

"Mina, you're super light weight babe. And not to mention you've already been drinking and you're eyes are already low. Pb set you up. You're gonna lose" She continued patting my back.

"When I win, I want a 7 page detailed apology because you have no faith in me." I told her standing up.

I walked over to Paige grabbed her and the bottle of Patron and filled up 3 shot cups and a cup with pineapple juice.

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